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riddles >> what happened >> Framed!
(Message started by: denis on Jul 2nd, 2007, 12:38pm)

Title: Framed!
Post by denis on Jul 2nd, 2007, 12:38pm
Greg is deeply in debt after a gambling binge. He needs to get money fast. His father John is wealthy but won't lend him the money.

Now it turn out that Greg is the only heir to his father, since he is the only child of John and John being widowed. So if John died, Greg would get all his money.  Although Greg is a callous and hardened criminal that would kill another human being, he cannot kill his own father, since he was the one who gave him life. However, John is the only heir to John's father, David, who also happens to be Greg's grandfather. As it turns out, David is even more wealthy than John.

Greg comes up with a devious plan. He will kill grandfather David in such a way to make it look like his father did it. If John is convicted of the crime, John will not be able to inherit the money from David's murder and Greg will receive it since he is next in line. Although Greg has qualms about killing his own father, he has no qualms about killing his despised grandfather and putting his own father in jail in order to receive a tidy sum.

So Greg takes the gun he keeps in his house for protection against burglars. He opens the chamber and confirms it that it has been fully reloaded after his last target practice. He shut the chamber, puts on gloves and wipes the gun clean of finger prints.

Greg sneaks to his grandfathers house and shoots him, three times just to make sure. He does this an hour after John's weekly Sunday visit to David's house to help incriminate John by having John placed at the scene of the crime.

Then, as the final nail in the coffin of evidence, Greg goes to his father's house and switches the gun he used in the murder for the gun that his father keeps for his own protection. The two guns are identical because his father purchased four of them at the same time and gave one to Greg, and the other two for John's nephews, Larry and Jerry, as gifts. Greg need not even file away the registration/serial number on the murder weapon as the purchase was made by John and was never registered in Greg's name.

The investigating officers found the planted gun in John’s house. He was, after all, a suspect on the count of motive and was placed at the scene the same day of the murder. Ballistics tests show that it was the murder weapon. So this looks very bad for John indeed.

When the officers confront him with this evidence, John tells them that he would not be so naive as to keep the murder weapon in his own house and that it must have been planted there to frame him. John explained to them that he purchased four identical guns at the same time and gave three as gifts: one to his son Greg and two to his nephews Lerry and Jarry. He also explained that he did not keep track of the serial numbers so he could not use the serial number to connect the gun to any of the other three.

Since the finger prints were wiped from the gun that was used used in the murder, the officers agreed that there was a possibility of John being framed.

'Does any one of them have a criminal record so that we can concentrate our efforts on' asked lieutenant Johnson referring to the three who received the guns as gifts. 'The problem is they all have long criminal records and all have served served jail time. In fact so did I. So how will you figure out who pulled the trigger' was Johns reply.

Lieutenant Johnston asked John for the contact information of the other three gun owners so that they can question them. Lieutenant Columbus, arriving from the lab just as Johnston was asking for the contact info exclaimed 'Don't worry about the other two. The lab just linked the gun to Greg and since he is next in line if John is framed, I believe this is strong enough evidence for him to be arrested and brought to trial'.

How did the lab connect the gun to Greg?

Title: Re: Framed!
Post by SMQ on Jul 2nd, 2007, 1:23pm
[hide]If I were Greg, rather than simply confirming the gun was loaded, I would have unloaded it, wiped my fingerprints off the casings and reloaded it.[/hide]


Title: Re: Framed!
Post by denis on Jul 2nd, 2007, 1:26pm
You got it.. 8)

There is also another way to link the gun to Greg, in fact, but less obvious.

But now I find a flaw in my riddle...

[hide] how do the police know it wasn't john who took Greg's loaded gun and shot David? I guess the most obvious would be that John would not keep murder weapon in his house, but that can't be 100% foolproof. So looks like they both are prime suspects at this point[/hide]

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