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riddles >> what happened >> Ice
(Message started by: Iceman on Jul 3rd, 2007, 12:59pm)

Title: Ice
Post by Iceman on Jul 3rd, 2007, 12:59pm
W/o putting ice cubes in cooling appliances, how would you get to the other side of the great desert so that ice cubes don't melt?

Title: Re: Ice
Post by Whiskey Tango Foxtrot on Jul 3rd, 2007, 1:34pm
[hide]Leave the cubes behind[/hide].

Title: Re: Ice
Post by Icecalibur on Jul 3rd, 2007, 1:42pm
Forge the ice cubes into one kick-asterisk sword imbued with the power to magically resist melting? ;D

Title: Re: Ice
Post by Iceman on Jul 3rd, 2007, 1:58pm
Both answers are witty, and the latter is ultimately incorrect , while WTF's idea is quite good, but I hadn't that in mind.

Btw, was Icecalibur forged in Switzerland? ;)

Title: Re: Ice
Post by Archae on Jul 3rd, 2007, 3:04pm
Cross the great desert [hide]of blue crystal, in Antartica.  That might keep the ice cubes below freezing.[/hide]

Title: Re: Ice
Post by Iceman on Jul 3rd, 2007, 4:09pm
When I said desert I meant as in Sahara, not ice cream for dessert.

Title: Re: Ice
Post by denis on Jul 3rd, 2007, 4:46pm
[hide]The Sahara often gets freezing temperature at night in winter so wait for a very cold winter night[/hide]

Title: Re: Ice
Post by Iceman on Jul 3rd, 2007, 4:59pm
Forget about winter: it is hot summer.

Title: Re: Ice
Post by Archae on Jul 3rd, 2007, 5:02pm
By the by, Antartica is known as a desert of blue crystal, so feasibly, if one crosses this desert, the ice cubes would not melt.  That was what I meant; I'm not sure if you think I was implying something about dessert/ice cream.

Title: Re: Ice
Post by denis on Jul 3rd, 2007, 5:04pm
[hide]How about putting the cubes in a thermos that has a perfect vacuum. There wont be any heat exchange on account of the vacuum and the thermos is not considered a cooling appliance[/hide]

Title: Re: Ice
Post by Archae on Jul 3rd, 2007, 5:06pm
But on to guessing:  use fake ice cubes - like novelty plastic ones with dead flies/shrunken heads in them.

Title: Re: Ice
Post by Iceman on Jul 3rd, 2007, 5:07pm
Again: Sahara, sand, heat.  ;)

Title: Re: Ice
Post by Iceman on Jul 3rd, 2007, 5:09pm
No thermoses either and the ice cubes are genuine.

Title: Re: Ice
Post by denis on Jul 3rd, 2007, 5:11pm
[hide]iceberg size ice cubes[/hide]?

Title: Re: Ice
Post by Archae on Jul 3rd, 2007, 5:11pm
Cross the desert in the world's fastest car... you could feasibly cross the desert before the ice cubes melt.

Title: Re: Ice
Post by denis on Jul 3rd, 2007, 5:14pm
[hide]fly them in an airplane in unheated cockpit at 25,000 feet altitude[/hide]

Title: Re: Ice
Post by Kaspar on Jul 3rd, 2007, 7:04pm

1. You could take ice-VII. It's still solid at 100C. You might need a highly pressurised container though. But it wouldn't be a cooling apparatus.

2. If you can't afford that, make your ice-cubes by combining water and sawdust which won't melt very much.

3. You've been listening to too much hip-hop and are referring to diamonds, which don't melt at all  ;D

4. Only travel at night.

5. Put the ice in a box, bury it under maybe half a foot of sand (sand isn't a good conductor of heat), and steadily move across the desert by excavating more sand and moving the box along. That may take quite a bit of time.

6. Or you could travel completely underground, perhaps using the Mole from Thunderbirds.

7. Build a cannon and fire the ice cubes right across the desert. They'll be going way too fast to melt. If you want to catch up with them before they do you'd best fire yourself out of the cannon as well. Uh? Oh, that's the same as Denis' answer, but less sensible.

Title: Re: Ice
Post by Iceman on Jul 3rd, 2007, 9:22pm

on 07/03/07 at 17:14:12, denis wrote:
[hide]fly them in an airplane in unheated cockpit at 25,000 feet altitude[/hide]

Yes. [hide]But I don't know much about planes, that is, the engine keeps pilots and passengers warm, otherwise they would all be freezing. But I guess that the pilot could fly in an unheated cockpit just because of this riddle? If not, then I suggest that Icarus or tower delete a riddle of mine again.[/hide]  ;D

Title: Re: Ice
Post by denis on Jul 3rd, 2007, 9:50pm
not a problem really [hide]In certain airplanes there is an independent heating system. It can be turned off in the cockpit while keeping the passengers cabin warm (if you have passengers). The pilot can wear winter clothing (hat, parka, gloves)... piece of cake. In any case, if the pilot prefers a comfortable cockpit, you can always put the ice cubes in a box in the cargo hold which is not heated.[/hide]

Title: Re: Ice
Post by Iceman on Jul 3rd, 2007, 10:57pm
Not bad.

Title: Re: Ice
Post by Grimbal on Jul 4th, 2007, 6:19am

on 07/03/07 at 13:58:35, Iceman wrote:
Btw, was Icecalibur forged in Switzerland? ;)

Of course, just like Chocolatecalibur, Bankcalibur and Swissknifecalibur.

Title: Re: Ice
Post by Janna on Jul 5th, 2007, 12:11pm

on 07/03/07 at 22:57:01, Iceman wrote:
Not bad.

Did you mean that the answer of Denis is right?

Title: Re: Ice
Post by Iceman on Jul 5th, 2007, 3:07pm
What else could it be?  ;)

Title: Re: Ice
Post by Roy on Aug 22nd, 2007, 5:03pm
Use dry ice and put it in a container. It won't melt, but it'll ( i can't remember what it's called ) quickly.

Title: Re: Ice
Post by mikedagr8 on Aug 22nd, 2007, 6:51pm
Smoke up?

Title: Re: Ice
Post by Roy on Aug 22nd, 2007, 7:02pm
no, it was evaporate/sublimation, i think

Title: Re: Ice
Post by CowsRUs on Aug 29th, 2007, 6:56pm

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