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riddles >> what am i >> God sees it never
(Message started by: DeMark on Dec 7th, 2003, 9:23am)

Title: God sees it never
Post by DeMark on Dec 7th, 2003, 9:23am
God sees it never.
A king sees it sometimes.
Normal people see it every day.
What is it?

Title: Re: God sees it never
Post by Speaker on Dec 7th, 2003, 10:29pm
This reminds me of the stronger than god and more evil than the devil riddle, so maybe it is something like [hide] hunger. But, I cannot think of any idioms that use hunger and see, but my answer stands as is.[/hide] :)

Title: Re: God sees it never
Post by DeMark on Dec 8th, 2003, 5:46am
Yor answer is incorrect.  :P

Title: Re: God sees it never
Post by DeMark on Dec 8th, 2003, 10:38am
Hint: [hide]Start with the 'normal people see it every day' part. What do normal people see every day?[/hide]

Title: Re: God sees it never
Post by Speaker on Dec 8th, 2003, 4:21pm
I got it, although there are not many for me. Ha ha ha.  ::)
The answer is [hide] peers or equals or people that are the same in "perfectness" or "ability" or something.[/hide]

Title: Re: God sees it never
Post by KenYonRuKu on Feb 16th, 2004, 4:17pm
Playing devil's advocate for a moment, there are many more Gods in addition to your Christian deity, most of whom are older and, some would say, more valid. Despite this, yours is a good riddle. ;)

Title: Re: God sees it never
Post by DeMark on Feb 25th, 2004, 2:43am
Okay, okay. Do Gods (Greek? Roman? Japanese? - are there Japanese Gods?) visit each other every day? Hello, Zeus. Oh, hello, Buddha. I wouldn't say. Stop playing devil's advocate.  ;)

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