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riddles >> what am i >> Strange earthen home, and others...
(Message started by: Cathos on Jan 28th, 2004, 9:35pm)

Title: Strange earthen home, and others...
Post by Cathos on Jan 28th, 2004, 9:35pm
Hi everybody.  Great site and forum!  Very fun!
It's provided me with hours of amusement, so I thought I'd give you guys something back.  I can't take credit for these riddles, I got most of them from BaK, but they are fun none the less.  Here goes:

1 - This strange earthen home brings naught but disdain
yet the ones who live there, never complain.

2 - With a sharp edged wit, and a pointed poise
it can settle dispuits with barely a noise.

3 - The chill of its death you may soon morn
but though it dies, it can never be born.
Put into a pit, locked behind a steel grate,
garded all night, still it goes out.

4 - A precious gift, it has no end
yet no beginning, and in the middle, nothing.

5 - Today he is there to trip you,
tommorow he will torture you,
yet he is also there to ease the pain,
when you are lost in grief and sorrow.

6 - It can pierce the best armor,
crumble swords with a rub,
yet for all it's power,
it can't harm a club.

7 - It's orange eye blinks, the burning tears flow,
yet it's sorrow, none may ever know.

8 - Two legs it has, and this will confond,
only at rest will they touch the ground.

9 - He travels the countryside, to front doors he travels,
yet you never invite him in.

10 - You must keep it, it's loss will affect your brothers,
for once yours is lost, it may soon be lost by others.

And finally:  The one who built it...  nah.

Title: Re: Strange earthen home, and others...
Post by John_Gaughan on Jan 29th, 2004, 5:29am

on 01/28/04 at 21:35:20, Cathos wrote:
1 - This strange earthen home brings naught but disdain
yet the ones who live there, never complain.

[hide]snake hole, bear cave...?[/hide]

2 - With a sharp edged wit, and a pointed poise
it can settle dispuits with barely a noise.

[hide]a sword[/hide]

4 - A precious gift, it has no end
yet no beginning, and in the middle, nothing.

[hide]a wedding ring[/hide]

5 - Today he is there to trip you,
tommorow he will torture you,
yet he is also there to ease the pain,
when you are lost in grief and sorrow.


6 - It can pierce the best armor,
crumble swords with a rub,
yet for all it's power,
it can't harm a club.


8 - Two legs it has, and this will confond,
only at rest will they touch the ground.

[hide]a bird[/hide]

9 - He travels the countryside, to front doors he travels,
yet you never invite him in.


10 - You must keep it, it's loss will affect your brothers,
for once yours is lost, it may soon be lost by others.


Title: Re: Strange earthen home, and others...
Post by Icarus on Jan 29th, 2004, 5:44pm
For 1, I think a [hide]mole hole[/hide] works slightly better. I know that I hold them in disdain!

For 10, "parents" doesn't work, imo. Not only does it not match the singular pronoun, the loss of your sibling's parents occurs at the same time as your own loss, not soon after.

Besides which, for the correct answer, I HAVE kept mine, though three of my brothers have lost theirs. ;D

on 01/28/04 at 21:35:20, Cathos wrote:
And finally:  The one who built it...  nah.

Thank you for your restraint! :D

Title: Re: Strange earthen home, and others...
Post by Cathos on Jan 29th, 2004, 7:13pm
I think number 1 is a little misleading, I probably should have reworded it a little.
[hide] The ones who dwell/stay there, never complain [/hide]

2 - Yep
4 - Right
5 - Close...
6 - Correct

8 - That's a fitting answer, it's the one I thought at first, but the "correct" answer is different.

9 - Not the intended answer, I guess it would fit though. The context of the riddle is in the middle ages (fantasy) [hide] where people had no need for driveways or sidewalks [/hide]
I'm not sure if Icarus has #10 or not, sometimes his answers are more cryptic than the riddle  ;)

Title: Re: Strange earthen home, and others...
Post by raven on Jan 29th, 2004, 7:38pm

1 - This strange earthen home brings naught but disdain
yet the ones who live there, never complain.



2 - With a sharp edged wit, and a pointed poise
it can settle dispuits with barely a noise.



3 - The chill of its death you may soon morn
but though it dies, it can never be born.
Put into a pit, locked behind a steel grate,
garded all night, still it goes out.


4 - A precious gift, it has no end
yet no beginning, and in the middle, nothing.

[hide]Donut ;)[/hide]


5 - Today he is there to trip you,  
tommorow he will torture you,
yet he is also there to ease the pain,
when you are lost in grief and sorrow.

[hide]My Cat, Bourbon, My girlfriend's tongue[/hide]


6 - It can pierce the best armor,  
crumble swords with a rub,
yet for all it's power,
it can't harm a club.



7 - It's orange eye blinks, the burning tears flow,
yet it's sorrow, none may ever know.

[hide]still working on this one...[/hide]


8 - Two legs it has, and this will confond,
only at rest will they touch the ground.

[hide]Motorcycle Rider ( I know it's not the right answer but I like it anyway )[/hide]


9 - He travels the countryside, to front doors he travels,
yet you never invite him in.

[hide]Jehovah's Witness[/hide]


10 - You must keep it, it's loss will affect your brothers,
for once yours is lost, it may soon be lost by others

[hide]Hope, Faith, Courage, Perspective, Viginity[/hide]

Title: Re: Strange earthen home, and others...
Post by John_Gaughan on Jan 29th, 2004, 8:04pm
3: I like raven's answer, but I don't think it fits. [hide]Fire can be born, in fact, this evening my grill gave birth to fire with a little help of charcoal and lighter fluid ;-)[/hide].

5: The next thing that pops into my head is the Spanish Inquisition. But I know that is wrong. How about [hide]an obstetrician, when you are born[/hide].

7: No idea.

8: I'm sure I could think of something else but I like my answer :P

9: This is a stretch, but I just thought of [hide]Gandalf from the Lord of the Rings books -- he is always unexpected, uninvited, but always welcome[/hide].

10: [hide]Life? In the contect of age -- if someone dies of old age, his brothers are probably up there in years too[/hide].

Title: Re: Strange earthen home, and others...
Post by Cathos on Jan 29th, 2004, 9:13pm
Raven got #1, and one of his answers was right for #5, [hide] though a more general term is expected [/hide]
Also #3 is right, it's common to say the __ went out, but most people don't say a __ is born.

Perhaps a hint for #8 (though I still think bird would be considered correct) [hide] think gardening [/hide]

JG, Your obstetrician tortures you!?

I haven't actually read LoTR (What?! Blasphemy!!) but don't the hobbits invite Gandalf in when he comes?  For tea and crumpets or something.

You're going in the right direction for #10, Raven, at least with one of you're answers.

That's it, no more hints... mmm... forbidden donut....

Title: Re: Strange earthen home, and others...
Post by raven on Jan 29th, 2004, 9:40pm
Okay, I get the hint...

8 :: [hide]Wheelbarrow[/hide]

10 :: [hide]Freedom[/hide]

I still stand by :: [hide]Donut, Jehovah's Witness ( though I hope not to offend ) and My Cat ( even though Bourbon or the like is correct )[/hide]

Title: Re: Strange earthen home, and others...
Post by John_Gaughan on Jan 29th, 2004, 10:06pm
I think 10 is more along the lines of [hide]courage or hope, think about soldiers in battle[/hide].

I think 5 is [hide]cat[/hide]. I think my other answer works too, in a way, but I think raven got the intended answer. We'll see about that though.

Title: Re: Strange earthen home, and others...
Post by Cathos on Jan 30th, 2004, 7:05pm
Yep, 8 is [hide] wheelbarrow [/hide]
And 5 is [hide] alcohol (vodka works just as well as bourbon  ;) [/hide]

I think somewhere, at sometime, a Jehovah's Witness has been invited in.  Rephrasing it may make it a little more descriptive
[hide] He travels the country without taking a step, going to many homes, yet is never invited in. [/hide]

Any guesses on #7?

Title: Re: Strange earthen home, and others...
Post by Cathos on Jan 30th, 2004, 7:07pm
Hey! Whoah!
There's no need to get upset about #10!  Let's all just calm down and take another look at it...

Title: Re: Strange earthen home, and others...
Post by John_Gaughan on Jan 30th, 2004, 8:24pm

on 01/30/04 at 19:05:54, Cathos wrote:
I think somewhere, at sometime, a Jehovah's Witness has been invited in.  Rephrasing it may make it a little more descriptive
[hide] He travels the country without taking a step, going to many homes, yet is never invited in. [/hide]

:: [hide]spam email[/hide] ::

Title: Re: Strange earthen home, and others...
Post by Icarus on Jan 31st, 2004, 11:37am
I thought I had #10, now I see that I didn't. My answer fits much like "donut" & "Biker". It was "hair" (when you lose yours, your brothers all start watching their heads more closely ;))

But NOOOoo, you just had to have another answer. One that fit BETTER than mine. HuH! >:( >:( >:(


Title: Re: Strange earthen home, and others...
Post by Cathos on Jan 31st, 2004, 12:19pm

Title: Re: Strange earthen home, and others...
Post by tseuG on Feb 3rd, 2004, 7:14am
7 - It's orange eye blinks, the burning tears flow,
yet it's sorrow, none may ever know.

How about [hide] a candle [/hide] ?

Title: Re: Strange earthen home, and others...
Post by Cathos on Feb 3rd, 2004, 11:25am
That's it TsueG.

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