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riddles >> what am i >> replacement puzzle
(Message started by: Noke Lieu on Feb 7th, 2005, 6:23pm)

Title: replacement puzzle
Post by Noke Lieu on Feb 7th, 2005, 6:23pm
Well, Lots of Nonsense (http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~wwu/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=what_am_i;action=display;num=1103258121) isn't quite going according ot plan either. Is it because its too crytpic, or just no good?

Well, here is an attempt to make it work a bit better.

I have chosen a word. I've changed the first letter which gives a new widely known word. Then change it back, and change the second letter, resulting in a new word.

an example?
A muddy English toilet -[hide]bog[/hide]
To get into the groove. -[hide]dig[/hide]
Girlish point?- [hide]dot[/hide]
Hence the original word was dog
Okay, here goes.

Strong sounding bug
To tease
Wheeled transport
Information pieces.

Hopefully, this should be easy enough, or I've lost touch with the puzzly bit of my brain.

Title: Re: replacement puzzle
Post by Cathos on Feb 8th, 2005, 7:31pm
I don't think it's complete, but some of it's correct (I think)
Strong bug - Mite
To tease - Bait (bate?)
Wheeled transport - Bike
Information - Byte (Bite?)

second thought, i think I've got it, except the second one

B_te  (bete? bate?)

That makes "Bite", but I dont know about the second line


Title: Re: replacement puzzle
Post by Noke Lieu on Feb 8th, 2005, 9:38pm
Yep, thats it. My mistake on the second one :-X :-[. Really thought it was correct spelling for teasing... ho hum. Could change it to "Island on the Clyde"
Nice work- was getting worried that these were uninteresting. Are these okay? Have been thinking of evolving them
to be more like

Model inlet on carboard container? (3)


Perfume counter to avoid powder. (4)

Except they're  not quite there either. will mull over somoe with a beer tonight.

Title: Re: replacement puzzle
Post by Cathos on Feb 10th, 2005, 7:44am
I like 'em, Noke. I'd like to see more.  I'm not sure what you mean with the two other lines, but go ahead and post some more.  By the way was line 2 supposed to be [hide]bait[/hide]?

Title: Re: replacement puzzle
Post by Noke Lieu on Feb 10th, 2005, 2:20pm
The second line was bate, cos' I  is a bit unlitter ate from time 2 thyme. So I changed it to Bute.

THe evolved ones, you've got to pick where the clues are. The number at the end, as with crosswords, signifies how many letters in teh answer.

Title: Re: replacement puzzle
Post by Cathos on Feb 10th, 2005, 7:59pm
Ok, I think I get it...

So the first one is [hide] boy? [/hide]

Some thoughts for #2


Ok, I think I figured it out as I was writing, you could say the answer just dawned on me...[/hide]

bythe way - I'm still looking at your nonsense riddle, but my brain can't wrap around it.  

Title: Re: replacement puzzle
Post by Noke Lieu on Feb 13th, 2005, 10:44pm
For lots of nonsense, the main word is  8 letters longs. Have ot check that's what I wrote- doesn's seem familiar.

made a few on the bus this w/e. Evolution continues- they're not necessarily in order, finding that a bit restrictive in making the clues run nicely.

Firmly gripped a fixed pattern to dissolve in honey drink. (4)

Conservative settling gave rise to lake. (4)

"A sort of hat for top of your neck" thought that was explained. (4)

Desire a beer through the window (4)

Youth to note blue bird (3)

Well dog up for a dance (3)

Said to them "Angelic game puts on a facade" (4)

Become an expert forger though swinger sibling obscured. (6) (only got 5 clues here)

Title: Re: replacement puzzle
Post by Noke Lieu on Mar 6th, 2005, 10:39pm
lost the bit of paper with the answers on...
Also, maybe a wayof spurring anyone on?
Youth to note blue bird (3)
Boy, Jot, jay.

Title: Re: replacement puzzle
Post by Eigenray on Jan 8th, 2008, 11:20pm
Answers within three years or your pizza's free!

Firmly gripped a fixed pattern to dissolve in honey drink. (4) [hide]meld[/hide]

Conservative settling gave rise to lake. (4) [hide]torn[/hide]

"A sort of hat for top of your neck" thought that was explained. (4) ?

Desire a beer through the window (4) [hide]pant[/hide]

Well dog up for a dance (3) [hide]pap[/hide]

Said to them "Angelic game puts on a facade" (4) [hide]gold[/hide]

Become an expert forger though swinger sibling obscured. (6) (only got 5 clues here) [hide]mister[/hide]

Title: Re: replacement puzzle
Post by Noke Lieu on Jan 9th, 2008, 4:20pm
Looks like I better fire up the oven!

"A sort of hat for top of your neck" thought that was explained. (4) ?

Dang- am going to have to work it out as well. Forgotten.

Title: Re: replacement puzzle
Post by Noke Lieu on Jan 10th, 2008, 4:20pm
I think I may have fupped up!
the first part seems to be "head".
to get there, the start word could have been

Bead  dead lead read mead
heat heal heap held heed herd (hear doesn't lend itself to much)

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