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riddles >> easy >> Once in JUN, Once in AUG, Never in OCT
(Message started by: william wu on Dec 10th, 2002, 12:15pm)

Title: Once in JUN, Once in AUG, Never in OCT
Post by william wu on Dec 10th, 2002, 12:15pm

What happens once in June, once in August but never in October?

I'm not sure about this one. My first impulse was to count occurrences of certain letters, but that didn't turn out well.

Title: Re: Once in JUN, Once in AUG, Never in OCT
Post by Garzahd on Dec 10th, 2002, 1:27pm
A really hot summer day.

Title: Re: Once in JUN, Once in AUG, Never in OCT
Post by Chronos on Dec 10th, 2002, 3:22pm
Did the problem statement have "June, August, Ocober" (as you have in your post), or "JUN, AUG, OCT" (as in the topic line)?  If the latter, then the letter U works just fine.

Title: Re: Once in JUN, Once in AUG, Never in OCT
Post by Garzahd on Dec 10th, 2002, 5:48pm
Actually, even if it's the full month names, the letter U still works. Having the letter U appear twice in August is just a subset of it appearing once. :-)

Title: Re: Once in JUN, Once in AUG, Never in OCT
Post by william wu on Dec 11th, 2002, 12:25am
The original riddle was phrased without abbreviations for the months.

Garzahd: That thought crossed my mind but I dismissed it as being too shady.

Title: Re: Once in JUN, Once in AUG, Never in OCT
Post by Pietro K.C. on Dec 11th, 2002, 5:06am
  Maybe an interface with July? You know, a night shared with it, i.e. June 30th 7pm - July 1st 5am.

Title: Re: Once in JUN, Once in AUG, Never in OCT
Post by aero guy on Dec 11th, 2002, 11:18am
I think I heard this one before, but it was once in June, twice in August, but never in October, making the letter u the right answer.

Title: Re: Once in JUN, Once in AUG, Never in OCT
Post by william wu on Dec 31st, 2002, 1:58am
The person who sent me the riddle agrees; it should have been twice in August. Thanks.

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