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riddles >> hard >> Chess Game Reconstruction
(Message started by: elvebrilith on Jul 15th, 2003, 4:06am)

Title: Chess Game Reconstruction
Post by elvebrilith on Jul 15th, 2003, 4:06am
Chess Game Reconstruction (http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~wwu/riddles/hard.shtml#chessGameReconstruction)

Okay... I am really stumped! I loove riddles, and you guys got me! If anybody knows the moves made for the five move chess game, please respond. Or at least the creator of the site! :)

//Link added and title changed by moderator//

Title: Re: Impossible Chess Moves?!
Post by wowbagger on Jul 15th, 2003, 4:42am
Welcome to the board, elvebrilith.

In case you were thinking of Chess Game Reconstruction (http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~wwu/riddles/hard.shtml#chessGameReconstruction), there is already a thread (http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~wwu/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=riddles_hard;action=display;num=1049921841) in the "hard" forum. As always, try to solve it on your own first (maybe using some hints) before looking up the answer.
And please make use of the search feature (http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~wwu/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?action=search) to avoid duplicate threads.

Title: Re: Impossible Chess Moves?!
Post by zero on Jul 15th, 2003, 12:41pm
heres some hints

HINT:[hide]it takes 4 moves to capture the rook with knight[/hide]
HINT:[hide]it take one pawn move to get the queen out[/hide]

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