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riddles >> medium >> MEDIUM: Globe Traversal -- SOLUTION
(Message started by: jmlyle on Jul 26th, 2002, 11:35pm)

Title: MEDIUM: Globe Traversal -- SOLUTION
Post by jmlyle on Jul 26th, 2002, 11:35pm
Of course, the first thought is that it is the north pole. This fits. One mile South, one mile East and one mile back North.

But there is a hint that says there is more than two answers. I thought about that for a few minutes and determined that, if there were more than two, then there had to be an infinite number of answers.

That cleared things up a bit. So it must be the collection of all points on a certain line around the sphere. And that line is close to the South Pole.

Since I am 100% in agreement with willywutang about SOLUTIONS, I'll leave it there (also, I really enjoy reading the pissed-off letters from people who don't want to take the time to figure things out).

I think that I wouldn't have gotten it nearly as quickly if the hint had only said that there was "more than one" answer, but saying "more than two" got me there pretty fast....


Title: Re: MEDIUM: Globe Traversal -- SOLUTION
Post by Ion Rush on Jul 27th, 2002, 4:18am
okay, this one is stumping me.

obviously, the north pole

not the south pole, as you cannot move in a southernly direction when at the south pole..

my first thought was equator, you move south, then east, then north, arriving at the equator again.

unfortuantely, being on the equator in the middle of the Pacific is not the same spot as being on the equator in Africa.  

This was before I saw the comment about a certian line near the south pole.

now, I am thinking a circle that is 1 mile north of the south pole. Exept that doesn't quite work either

from any of multiple spots on the circle you move one mile south, arriving at the south pole. You then cannot move east or west, as all directions are north at the  south pole (like the riddle, if you have a house with four walls, each wall has a window, each window points south, you look out and see a bear,what color is the bear....white...all windows point south only possible at the north pole, hence white bear)

so you cannot complete step 2

a circle 1.001 miles out around the south pole. you go south, amost to the pole, allowing eastward travel, which means you circle the south pole multiple times just a small amout away from dead center south pole, but unless you end up in exactly the same spot when you first started going east, when you treck north again, you will be a little off

ahh.  find a spot where it takes exactly one mile circle to trek around the south pole. As it is exatly a one mile cicle, you can start one mile norht of it,  move one mile south, travel east (circle the south pole) exactly one mile, you end up on that circle where you first came down, then you teck back up north to your starting point.

actually, find a spot where you can circle the south pole at 1/2 mile, you would just go south, make two circles, then go back north again.  1/4 and 1/8th would work, but not things like 2/5ths of a mile.

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