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(Message started by: ray on Nov 14th, 2008, 1:11pm)

Title: MS_Interview_Question
Post by ray on Nov 14th, 2008, 1:11pm
1) Explain ruby on rails your grandmother
2)Explain .net to you gradmother
3) Count number of books on earth
4) You have 100$, whom will you give this amount -

It was difficult to come with some idea spontaneously to explain ruby and .net to grandmother and their difference.

Title: Re: MS_Interview_Question
Post by towr on Nov 14th, 2008, 1:36pm
Who or what are PM, SDE and SDET? And why wouldn't I keep the $100 myself?

Frankly the only question I might begin to answer is 3, but the best one can do there is estimate, because new books are constantly printed, and old ones are destroyed and lost. Never mind that "book" is a vague concept.

Title: Re: MS_Interview_Question
Post by chronodekar on Jun 25th, 2009, 3:59am
The first 2 questions are probably to see how you would explain technical topics to a non-technical person. And your granny is a good target for that. (No offense intended)

The one about books, like towr said, must be about estimating.

Now for the acronyms, I think PM stands for Personal Manager, the guy you report to. But I've no idea what the other 2 stand for.


Title: Re: MS_Interview_Question
Post by bmudiam on Dec 31st, 2009, 8:37am
SDE stands for Software Development Engineer and SDET stands for SDE in Test

Title: Re: MS_Interview_Question
Post by pscoe2 on Jan 13th, 2010, 1:18pm
For the fourth one..i guess he wants to check how well do u understand how imp the work of a PM,SDE and SDET is in a company ...whtever partition u will give has to be proves in light of the work they do in terms of responsibility handled and actual contribution to the project :)

Title: Re: MS_Interview_Question
Post by pbromberg on Oct 19th, 2011, 7:51am
Here is a good Microsoft .NET related site with programming articles
www dot eggheadcafe dot com

Moderator's Note: link changed to text because it's probably spam.  It looks like a legit .NET site, but brand new and there's almost no content...

Title: Re: MS_Interview_Question
Post by khuram4u on Nov 19th, 2011, 7:11am
About your question for .net; this is huge and complex question. net framework is very vast. If the interviewer asks you to define the .net Architecture, then briefly explain the CLR, MSIL and strongly type data types.

When in interview, the question is about the framework, never go into language details.

Title: Re: MS_Interview_Question
Post by erica on Jan 16th, 2014, 1:08am
Actually, they keep looking for candidates who have their concepts crystal clear... who can easily explain a technical stuff to a person who is laymen... or of elder generation..

Title: Re: MS_Interview_Question
Post by erica on Jan 16th, 2014, 1:09am
One of my friend had faced same sort of questions which he couldnt answer quickly and was rejected  :-[

Title: Re: MS_Interview_Question
Post by punterf16 on Feb 25th, 2014, 1:23am
I was asked question mostly on CSS3 aspects, like animations , keyframes etc. Sadly, i couldn't answer them as i would i have likes. I found a good resource though to study them after the interview

Title: Re: MS_Interview_Question
Post by anglia on Aug 11th, 2015, 5:38am
2) My Grandma already know about .net. I can't make her understand.
3) Books can not be counted. There are many books. Old books are also there and new one is added to the old one. It goes on increase.
4) Why would I give $100? Is there any restriction to keep it to myself? I would like to keep it in my pocket.

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