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riddles >> suggestions, help, and FAQ >> question about silver cutlery
(Message started by: Iceman on Nov 3rd, 2006, 12:35pm)

Title: question about silver cutlery
Post by Iceman on Nov 3rd, 2006, 12:35pm
Hi. It is me again. In order to finish my poem, I need to know whether cutlery can be made out of sterling silver?  ??? Is it unusual if the cutlery is indeed sterling silver, so is it usual that this cutlery is less valuable silver, in fact, the most basic silver? And have you ever heard of golden cutlery? I myself did not, but this does not mean it does not exist..  ;)  :-[

Title: Re: question about silver cutlery
Post by Iceman on Nov 3rd, 2006, 12:37pm
Another thing puzzles me: I think silver spoon means something in English, but do you think it means something in Croatian too? Is silver spoon an international thing? Hm....

Title: Re: question about silver cutlery
Post by Sir Col on Nov 3rd, 2006, 1:14pm
I don't know about other countries, but in England the finest cutlery is made from sterling silver. Although this is often quoted as being solid silver, it normally has copper added for strength, and to be stamped with the official hallmark it is required, by law, to be at least 92.5% silver.

The expression "silver spoon" is often quoted as, "She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth." Which means that she comes from a wealthy background.

Title: Re: question about silver cutlery
Post by towr on Nov 3rd, 2006, 1:21pm

on 11/03/06 at 12:35:14, Iceman wrote:
Hi. It is me again. In order to finish my poem, I need to know whether cutlery can be made out of sterling silver?
Yes. And it's probably even usable. Sterling silevr is an alloy of silver and other metals expressily so you can make usable objects from it.

Is it unusual if the cutlery is indeed sterling silver
I'd say so, it's rather expensive to have 92.5% pure silver. Much cheaper to just to silverplate cutlery.

so is it usual that this cutlery is less valuable silver, in fact, the most basic silver?
Yeah, generally it'll be iron or steel that's silver plated, and generally not even thickly.

And have you ever heard of golden cutlery?
Not anything with a high percentage.
It's probably possible to get gold plated cutlery. And of cousre if you really want it, you could have something custom made from a sufficiently strong gold alloy.

Title: Re: question about silver cutlery
Post by Iceman on Nov 3rd, 2006, 2:14pm
I have finished my poem before I saw your replies here, but thanks anyway.  8)

Title: Re: question about silver cutlery
Post by Sameer on Nov 10th, 2006, 11:00am

on 11/03/06 at 14:14:44, Iceman wrote:
I have finished my poem before I saw your replies here, but thanks anyway.  8)

And yet we haven't seen any riddles on silver cutleries  ;)

Title: Re: question about silver cutlery
Post by Whiskey Tango Foxtrot on Nov 12th, 2006, 8:18pm
Or have we...   ;) ;) ???

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