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general >> truth >> Here is the purpose of human life -
(Message started by: iweod on Nov 19th, 2013, 11:12pm)

Title: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by iweod on Nov 19th, 2013, 11:12pm
Here is Practical Explanation about Next Life, Purpose of Human Life, philosophical/religious facts, theories etc.
Practical Explanation ( For Example ) :- `1st of all can you tell me every single seconds detail from that time when you born ?? ( i need every seconds detail ?? that what- what you have thought and done on every single second )

can you tell me every single detail of your `1 cheapest Minute Or your whole hour, day, week, month, year or your whole life ??

if you are not able to tell me about this life then what proof do you have that you didn't forget your past ? and that you will not forget this present life in the future ?

that is Fact that Supreme Lord Krishna exists but we posses no such intelligence to understand him.
there is also next life. and i already proved you that no scientist, no politician, no so-called intelligent man in this world is able to understand this Truth. cuz they are imagining. and you cannot imagine what is god, who is god, what is after life etc.
for example :Your father existed before your birth. you cannot say that before your birth your father don,t exists.

So you have to ask from mother, "Who is my father?" And if she says, "This gentleman is your father," then it is all right. It is easy.
Otherwise, if you makes research, "Who is my father?" go on searching for life; you'll never find your father.

( now maybe...maybe you will say that i will search my father from D.N.A, or i will prove it by photo's, or many other thing's which i will get from my mother and prove it that who is my Real father.{ So you have to believe the authority. who is that authority ? she is your mother. you cannot claim of any photo's, D.N.A or many other things without authority ( or ur mother ).

if you will show D.N.A, photo's, and many other proofs from other women then your mother. then what is use of those proofs ??} )

same you have to follow real authority. "Whatever You have spoken, I accept it," Then there is no difficulty. And You are accepted by Devala, Narada, Vyasa, and You are speaking Yourself, and later on, all the acaryas have accepted. Then I'll follow.
I'll have to follow great personalities. The same reason mother says, this gentleman is my father. That's all. Finish business. Where is the necessity of making research? All authorities accept Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. You accept it; then your searching after God is finished.

Why should you waste your time?
all that is you need is to hear from authority ( same like mother ). and i heard this truth from authority " Srila Prabhupada " he is my spiritual master.
im not talking these all things from my own.

in this world no `1 can be Peace full. this is all along Fact.

cuz we all are suffering in this world 4 Problems which are Disease, Old age, Death, and Birth after Birth.

tell me are you really happy ?? you can,t be happy if you will ignore these 4 main problem. then still you will be Forced by Nature.

if you really want to be happy then follow these 6 Things which are No illicit sex, No gambling, No drugs ( No tea & coffee ), No meat-eating ( No onion & garlic's )

5th thing is whatever you eat `1st offer it to Supreme Lord Krishna. ( if you know it what is Guru parama-para then offer them food not direct Supreme Lord Krishna )

and 6th " Main Thing " is you have to Chant " hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare ".
If your not able to follow these 4 things no illicit sex, no gambling, no drugs, no meat-eating then don,t worry but chanting of this holy name ( Hare Krishna Maha-Mantra ) is very-very and very important.

Chant " hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare " and be happy.

if you still don,t believe on me then chant any other name for 5 Min's and chant this holy name for 5 Min's and you will see effect. i promise you it works And chanting at least 16 rounds ( each round of 108 beads ) of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra daily.
Here is no Question of Holy Books quotes, Personal Experiences, Faith or Belief. i accept that Sometimes Faith is also Blind. Here is already Practical explanation which already proved that every`1 else in this world is nothing more then Busy Foolish and totally idiot.
every `1 is already Blind in this world and if you will follow another Blind then you both will fall in hole. so try to follow that person who have Spiritual Eyes who can Guide you on Actual Right Path. ( my Authority & Guide is my Spiritual Master " Srila Prabhupada " )
if you want to see Actual Purpose of human life then see this link : ( www ( dot ) asitis ( dot ) com {Bookmark it })
read it complete. ( i promise only readers of this book that they { he/she } will get every single answer which they want to know about why im in this material world, who im, what will happen after this life, what is best thing which will make Human Life Perfect, and what is perfection of Human Life. ) purpose of human life is not to live like animal cuz every`1 at present time doing 4 thing which are sleeping, eating, sex & fear. purpose of human life is to become freed from Birth after birth, Old Age, Disease, and Death.

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by goodRiddler on Nov 19th, 2013, 11:37pm
But if we forget everything and nothing can be proven without having to just accept what people say we can never really truly know anything, including if krishna exists or ever has.

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by iweod on Nov 20th, 2013, 12:56am

on 11/19/13 at 23:37:24, goodRiddler wrote:
But if we forget everything and nothing can be proven without having to just accept what people say we can never really truly know anything, including if krishna exists or ever has.


Intelligence has to do with the soul, not simply with the brain.

Take electricity, for example. Electricity moves between gross elements and through a gross wire. But the electricity itself -- it is not those elements, not that wire. It is subtle.

all right for what you are waiting for ? why don't you define what is Conscious on the medical language or scientific basics ? explain it now.

and the first step is to know the difference between a living body and a dead body. What is the difference?

and then next Question is Why a dead child born does not grow, does not change body? The body is a lump of matter. Analyze the body. Where is life?

explain about these points which i have written upside ^. go ahead and do it now. ( and don't give me anytype of link because that is not an argument and i didn't gave any link in my argument )

Special Note :- and if you are not able to define what is conscious on the basics of medical language or scientific basics then i will say only two words ** Fools Paradise.**
that is all.

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by rmsgrey on Nov 20th, 2013, 3:08am
The difference between a living body and a dead body is that a living body maintains an anomalously low-entropy internal state while the entropy of a dead body increases as normal.

Life and consciousness are properties of systems, just as sharpness is a system-level property of a knife - take a knife blade and grind it into powder and then sift through the powder looking for a particle of sharpness, and you won't find it. Sharpness is a property of the arrangement and interaction of particles, not of any particular particles in themselves. The same is true of life - looking for life in the parts of a body is like looking for sharpness in the parts of a knife.

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by towr on Nov 20th, 2013, 10:08am

on 11/19/13 at 23:12:13, iweod wrote:
1st of all can you tell me every single seconds detail from that time when you born ?? ( i need every seconds detail ?? that what- what you have thought and done on every single second )
Sure; The universe popped into existence as-is at the moment I posted this reply, so no single second has passed, and therefore there are no details.
If you disagree with that assertion I await your undeniable proof that the universe has existed longer. (At which point I'll deny it, just to disprove its undeniability).

that is Fact that Supreme Lord Krishna exists but we posses no such intelligence to understand him.
Just claiming something as fact does not make it fact; try making a (non-fallacious) argument if you want to be taken seriously. (Though I make no promises, because it is overrated.)

for example :Your father existed before your birth. you cannot say that before your birth your father don,t exists.
Sure I can: before my birth my father did not exist. Which is true in some sense and false in some sense and irrelevant in either case. In fairness, I have not-existed for far longer than I have existed, and in that respect the apple has not fallen far from the tree. (Notwithstanding that at the time of posting I have existed for only 0 seconds, so...)

All authorities accept Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
No, they don't. The Port Authorities of NY and NJ accept no such thing.

Why should you waste your time?
Because that is what time is for. All time spent is time wasted in some regard, and time well-spent in another regard. That's the secret of life.
Time spent on things that don't exist is a waste when you believe they truly exist; but it may be entertainment, and possibly time well-spent, if you realize they don't exist. Looking for bigfoot, Nessy, God or Krishna is time wasted in all seriousness and time well-spent in frivolity.

all that is you need is to hear from authority
Why would you trust an "authority", in all seriousness? If they imagine themselves infallible that's their first fault, if they don't, they can't expect you to believe them. If you can't think for yourself, how can you expect anyone else, authority or not, to do it for you? That's rather unfair to them, to expect more of them than of yourself. They can't remember every second of their live either (unless they accept the simple truth that the universe only popped into existence a second ago; NB this post was only posted one second ago, regardless of the timestamp, or whether you think you saw it before now; that's just an illusion).

cuz we all are suffering in this world 4 Problems which are Disease, Old age, Death, and Birth after Birth.
I'm not suffering them right now. And I think there are more people that think they suffer birth after birth than that do, unless you mean actual women giving birth, which is on average around 2.5 on this world, so that's a lot better than it used to be.

tell me are you really happy ??
I think that's something better judged once you're dead, because at that point you don't have to worry about future fortune or misfortune. However, it would also make it rather difficult to say then, because as the saying goes: dead men don't talk.

if you really want to be happy then follow these 6 Things which are No illicit sex, No gambling, No drugs ( No tea & coffee ), No meat-eating ( No onion & garlic's )

5th thing is whatever you eat `1st offer it to Supreme Lord Krishna. ( if you know it what is Guru parama-para then offer them food not direct Supreme Lord Krishna )

and 6th " Main Thing " is you have to Chant " hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare ".
And number 7 is delude yourself into to thinking any of that matters.
Also, garlic and onion are not meat.

To be happy, you first have to be yourself, not someone else's idea of you (because then, at most, that idea is happy, not you; in some sense you don't exist, and to be anything you have to exist first). Arbitrary rules will only help you if you make them your own, rather than make yourself theirs. And there are better reasons to do so than on the say so of arbitrary authority figures. So please don't take anything I say too seriously (lest I become one).

if you still don,t believe on me then chant any other name for 5 Min's and chant this holy name for 5 Min's and you will see effect.
I'm sorry, but there's names I only have to think of and it'll bring a smile to my face and lightness to my heart. But I'll admit it sounds funny, and may therefore have an effect. I also like talking to myself in fictitious/non-existent language, which is also fun. Meaning and content of what one says can be quite irrelevant to the effect.

every `1 is already Blind in this world and if you will follow another Blind then you both will fall in hole. so try to follow that person who have Spiritual Eyes who can Guide you on Actual Right Path.
But then, I wonder, how does a Blind man know that who he follows is not also Blind yet only deluded to think he Sees with Spiritual Eyes? Anyone can claim to See and be deluded enough to believe it. The only ones you can trust are those that recognize their own Blindness, and to that extent only.
Considering the bare numbers, the Blind leading the Blind is a much more likely outcome that the Seeing leading the blind. Besides, why would you want to follow someone that can see the ugly Truth, when there are those that promise happiness and sunshine and unicorns and rainbows. Why, if I were Blind, I'd know which I'd prefer. And I am, and I do, but I can't, cause I know, and in less than a second of existence at that.

Hail Eris! And may she wear a funny hat.

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by towr on Nov 20th, 2013, 10:48am

on 11/20/13 at 00:56:29, iweod wrote:
Take electricity, for example. Electricity moves between gross elements and through a gross wire. But the electricity itself -- it is not those elements, not that wire. It is subtle.
It's not subtle, it's moving electrons.

all right for what you are waiting for ?
Bedtime. Death? Nothing in particular. Something to do with my time. Any excuse to make sh*t up.

why don't you define what is Conscious on the medical language or scientific basics ?
Because I haven't read all the literature on the subject. And even if I had there would not be enough time (to the extent I'm willing to waste). And it remains to be seen whether "consciousness" is something other than an invisible pink unicorn, like "time" and other concept people have a much easier time with claiming to know what their talking about than actually doing so.

explain it now.
You can't tell me what to do, you're not my father! Cause he doesn't exist :P

and the first step is to know the difference between a living body and a dead body.
Is it? A living body can be unconscious. A dead body can be a vampire. Conceptually consciousness is quite separate, for as little as that is worth.

Special Note :- and if you are not able to define what is conscious on the basics of medical language or scientific basics then i will say only two words ** Fools Paradise.**
Hmm, fools paradise? A simpler world where "you can't, now" means "no one can, ever"? Where "you don't know" means "therefore I'm right"? Where "at least I have an answer" trumps "I don't know, for good reason"? Where surety beats veracity?
Sounds like congress :P

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by erica on Jan 28th, 2014, 12:21am
Just read the comments from towr....
I just loved them all, each point is interestingly justified  ;D

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by teao on Oct 11th, 2014, 5:06am
special note : What is meaning of Free will ?

Free will means that you can act wrongly. That is free will. Unless there is chance of doing wrong or right, there is no question of free will. Where is free will then? If I act only one sided, that means I have no free will. Because we act sometimes wrongly, that means free will.
Just for Example :- Just like a thief, he knows that his stealing, it is bad, but still he does it. That is free will. He cannot check his greediness, so in spite of his knowing that he is doing wrong thing - he will be punished, he knows; he has seen another thief, he was punished, he was put into prison - everything he knows, but still he steals. Why? Misuse of free will. Unless there is misuse of free will, there is no question of free will.

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by towr on Oct 11th, 2014, 12:33pm
That's nonsense. There is free will as long as you can make a choice, regardless of whether one or more of the choices are bad. The existence of misuse, or even the possibility for that, is not required. The only requirement is that your choice is not forced by something outside of you.

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by teao on Oct 30th, 2014, 6:43pm

on 10/11/14 at 12:33:41, towr wrote:
The existence of misuse, or even the possibility for that, is not required. The only requirement is that your choice is not forced by something outside of you.

now you are talking nonsense. cuz as soon as you will misuse your free will ( or act wrong or commit theft )  then it will be taken away from you by police man ( or by government ). and you will be put into the prison house. (and that is an fact )

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by towr on Oct 31st, 2014, 1:15am

on 10/30/14 at 18:43:49, teao wrote:
now you are talking nonsense. cuz as soon as you will misuse your free will ( or act wrong or commit theft )  then it will be taken away from you by police man ( or by government ). and you will be put into the prison house. (and that is an fact )
People get away with misusing their free will all the time. Just look up statistics about how many murders, thefts, rapes etc there are and how many murderers, thieves, rapists have been caught.

And even if that "fact" wasn't fictional, locking someone up only takes away their freedom (or part of it), not their free will. You can still make choices from among the options you have, and still have the potential to make choices even if you didn't have options. If you lack free will, then you don't even have the potential to make choices.

And even if we ignore all the reasons why your argument doesn't hold water, it doesn't even address the point I made: that the existence of misuse is not a requirement for the existence of free will. The existence of misuse is not a requirement and therefore anything misuse may lead to is irrelevant to the point.
It's like I say flying is not a requirement for being a bird, and you argue that pigs can also fly. Even if pigs could fly, it's besides the point.

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by teao on Oct 31st, 2014, 4:12am

on 10/31/14 at 01:15:33, towr wrote:
People get ******skip******* point.

now you are may talk nonsense as much as you like. and You can avoid the creator, but you cannot say He doesn't exist. Whether or not you accept the creator's authority is your business; but you cannot say there is no creator.

For example :- there are so many outlaws who say, "We don't want to obey the government." If you don't like the government, that is your business. But there is a government -- you can't deny that.

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by rmsgrey on Oct 31st, 2014, 5:38am

on 10/31/14 at 04:12:59, teao wrote:
now you are may talk nonsense as much as you like. and You can avoid the creator, but you cannot say He doesn't exist. Whether or not you accept the creator's authority is your business; but you cannot say there is no creator.

For example :- there are so many outlaws who say, "We don't want to obey the government." If you don't like the government, that is your business. But there is a government -- you can't deny that.

I find I am unable to follow your reasoning. Perhaps you could clarify?

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by teao on Oct 31st, 2014, 5:51am

on 10/31/14 at 05:38:30, rmsgrey wrote:
I find I am unable to follow your reasoning. Perhaps you could clarify?

`1st of all tell me that did you read practical explanation or not ? ( main post at the top of this page )

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by gotit on Oct 31st, 2014, 7:02am
I have gambled.
I smoke. I drink tea and coffee.
I eat meat.
I have never chanted the name of Rama, Krishna, Shiva, Brahma or any of the 3.3 million gods that you claim are there.

Yet I am happy.

On the other hand, I know a person who has followed all the 6 things throughout her life. Yet she is unhappy.

How do you explain that?

Happiness and sadness are states of mind. A person's action (and not the name of Krishna) determines whether he/she will be happy or sad.

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by teao on Oct 31st, 2014, 7:22am

on 10/31/14 at 07:02:49, gotit wrote:
I have gambled.
I smoke. *****skip******sad.

so now my next question to you is this that If everything is pleasure, then why you take the counteractive process ( in sex life ) ? Why do you want to kill child? pleasure? Why do you take contraceptive method if it is pleasure?

simply tell me what is the answer ?

( and you do not know it ? that your western civilization is soul killing or suicidal civilization.)

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by gotit on Oct 31st, 2014, 7:35am

on 10/31/14 at 07:22:41, teao wrote:
so now my next question to you is this that If everything is pleasure, then why you take the counteractive process ( in sex life ) ? Why do you want to kill child? pleasure? Why do you take contraceptive method if it is pleasure?

simply tell me what is the answer ?

( and you do not know it ? that your western civilization is soul killing or suicidal civilization.)

Who told you that I have done these things. Did I? I don't think so.

I am not saying I am happy because I smoke or eat meat. I am saying that I am happy in spite of smoking and eating meat.

And I also request you to check my profile before blaming any particular civilization. I am sure you will find a lot of similarities between you and me (except, of course, our beliefs)

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by teao on Oct 31st, 2014, 7:45am

on 10/31/14 at 07:35:04, gotit wrote:
Who told *****skip***** beliefs)

so you are not after sex ? or you are not an women hunter ? and i have to believe such an street dog like you ?

just see the folly.

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by gotit on Oct 31st, 2014, 8:14am
So you say you have accepted Krishna as as the supreme being. Then I am sure you must have read the Bhagvad Gita. There is a verse where Krishna says that a noble person is one who has respect and compassion for other people. But from your previous post, I don't think you got any of those two qualities.

Do you think your Krishna will be proud to have a person like you as his follower?

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by teao on Oct 31st, 2014, 8:19am

on 10/31/14 at 08:14:44, gotit wrote:
So you *****skip****follower?

can you please point it out in which verse he said like that ?

simply point it now. ( and 2nd thing is this that don't pretend to be an gentlemen cuz in facts you are an street dog not an gentlemen. )

do you understand it ? oh how can you will understand it ? your brain is already stole bound. ( useless street dog )

special note : and if you will not point out that where krishna said such thing like that then you remain happy in your soul killing or suicidal civilization ( western civilization )

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by gotit on Oct 31st, 2014, 8:29am
Chapter 12. Verse 13 and 14

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by teao on Oct 31st, 2014, 8:33am

on 10/31/14 at 08:29:42, gotit wrote:
Chapter 12. Verse 13 and 14

Nice tried (street dog ) now look at the real verses.

Chapter 12, Verse 13-14.
One who is not envious but who is a kind friend to all living entities, who does not think himself a proprietor, who is free from false ego and equal both in happiness and distress, who is always satisfied and engaged in devotional service with determination and whose mind and intelligence are in agreement with Me--he is very dear to Me.

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by gotit on Oct 31st, 2014, 8:41am
What do you think 'Kind Friend' means? Do you think a person can be kind without being compassionate?

The actual word used in there is 'Karuna'. Some english translations refer to it as Kindness and some as Compasssion. But the bottomline is same.

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by teao on Oct 31st, 2014, 8:47am

on 10/31/14 at 08:41:07, gotit wrote:
What do you think 'Kind Friend' means? Do you think a person can be kind without being compassionate?

The actual word used in there is 'Karuna'. Some english translations refer to it as Kindness and some as Compasssion. But the bottomline is same.

so child is not interested for education. But it is the duty of the father to make him educated, sometimes father  punish him. So a child may be foolish, but how the parents can be foolish?”

what is your answer ??


and 2nd thing is this that it is called social convention that you can speak very palatable and flattering and you can't speak very palatable truth that is called social covention.

and im an preacher and i must point it out that you are all street dogs and your western civilization is soul killing or suicidal civilization. ( and i must speak the truth i can't hide it and follow this social convention )

and that is an solid fact not an bogus opinion.

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by teao on Oct 31st, 2014, 9:54am

on 10/31/14 at 08:41:07, gotit wrote:
What do you think 'Kind Friend' means? Do you think a person can be kind without being compassionate?

The actual word used in there is 'Karuna'. Some english translations refer to it as Kindness and some as Compasssion. But the bottomline is same.

and if you are too much after Compasssion then street dog why are you killing other living entities ? and why are you eating them ? where is your so called Compasssion gone on that time when you are killing these innocent animals and eating them ?

they are not living entities ? what is your answer foolish dog ?

street dog what is your answer ? you are posing like an gentlemen ( like an devotee ) but you are not an devotee.

you are an street dog and that is an fact. ( which you will not understand cuz your brain is stole bound brain.)

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by towr on Nov 1st, 2014, 12:41am

on 10/31/14 at 04:12:59, teao wrote:
You can avoid the creator, but you cannot say He doesn't exist.
Sure I can. There is no Creator. There, I said it.
There is also no evidence of a creator, or any need for a creator to exist. If you want to indulge in your delusions, be my guest, but please don't expect others to and stick to the facts. (Actual facts, not fictions you believe in really, really hard.)

But there is a government -- you can't deny that.
Sure I can. There is no government. There, I denied that the government exists. Clearly I have superpowers, because I can do things you hold unimaginable.
Though I'll grant you that there is in fact evidence that governments, unlike Gods do exist; they have an actual demonstrable effect on the world. And I'll also add that denying the government's existence doesn't make their nonexistence any more true than asserting that a Creator exists makes that true.

And again, it's all besides the point. Or at least you do a very bad job arguing that it isn't.
Why don't you just start anew, and retry explaining what free will is. And this time do it under the assumption that your audience isn't brainwashed with the same doctrines you are, and will require some actual argumentation and supporting evidence. NB. this your get-out-of-digging-your-own-hole-deeper card.

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by towr on Nov 1st, 2014, 1:05am

on 10/31/14 at 08:47:44, teao wrote:
and im an preacher and i must point it out that you are all street dogs
You fail at basic biology. :P

You also fail at being a preacher, since you're not convincing anyone here.
There's a saying "preaching to the choir"; that's what you might be good at, talking to people that already share your opinions and will just nod and say amen. But preaching to a skeptical, thinking audience without alienating them is definitely not your strength. You don't even know and understand your own scriptures well enough to cope with someone that also knows them, and then try to disguise it by resorting to insults and dodging the issue.
Let me tell you, this is not the place were you can get away with that nonsense; we're not cowed that easily. Shape up, or sod off.

and your western civilization is soul killing or suicidal civilization. ( and i must speak the truth i can't hide it and follow this social convention )

and that is an solid fact not an bogus opinion.
Eh, I'm not gonna argue with the suicidal and soul-killing part. (Not that souls exist in an ontological sense. But metaphorically speaking, I'll let it slide)
However, your alternative is not any better. Denying reality is not the answer. And insulting us isn't going to convince us otherwise. Though, if you do insist on continuing, please think of some novel insults. Maybe try something with cats for you next one. Or penguins, I always like penguins.

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by teao on Nov 1st, 2014, 2:08am

on 11/01/14 at 00:41:51, towr wrote:
Sure I can. There is no Creator. *********skip********. this your get-out-of-digging-your-own-hole-deeper card.

alright - alright so next question is this that can you recall everything which you have thought or done on each second withing `1 cheap minute ?

what is your answer ? ( can you recall everything or not ? )

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by towr on Nov 1st, 2014, 4:40am
*sigh* Fine, let's play this game.

I'll answer that question with two questions: Can you? And why is that question relevant?

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by teao on Nov 1st, 2014, 4:53am

on 11/01/14 at 04:40:20, towr wrote:
*sigh* Fine, let's play this game.

I'll answer that question with two questions: Can you? And why is that question relevant?

simply tell me that can you recall everything which you have thought or done on each second within `1 cheap minute ?

simply tell me the answer without changing the topic. ( can you recall everything or not ? )

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by rmsgrey on Nov 1st, 2014, 5:13am
Can anyone ever know that they remember every thought they had over any given time period?

Unremembered thoughts leave no trace in the world, unless they prompted some action or some remembered thought before they were forgotten, so the most anyone can say is that they have no evidence of having forgotten any thoughts.

Are you aware of every thought in your head as you read this sentence?


It appears that we have very different fundamental beliefs about the world, and, since you're unwilling or unable to explain yours in terms I can understand, nor to attempt to understand mine, we're only going to be able to argue about superficial things because those are the only places where our universes overlap sufficiently to allow for communication...

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by teao on Nov 1st, 2014, 5:34am
towr @ im still waiting for your answer that can you simply recall everything which you have thought or done on each second within`1 cheap minute Or not ?

and simply without changing the topic tell me that ( can you recall everything or not ?)

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by towr on Nov 1st, 2014, 5:56am

on 11/01/14 at 04:53:52, teao wrote:
simply tell me that can you recall everything which you have thought or done on each second within `1 cheap minute ?
What do you mean by "`1 cheap minute"?

simply tell me the answer without changing the topic. ( can you recall everything or not ? )
One has to understand a question properly before one can answer it properly. In fact, one has to understand a question properly to ask it properly.
If I don't recall everything, how would I know I don't recall everything? If I don't recall everything, how do I know I can't -- that it's not mere unrecognized ability that prevents me from recalling? If I do recall everything, how can I know there is not something I don't recall? How do you know I haven't answered you if you don't know what the answer is? If you don't know what the question is? And what is the topic? If we don't know what the topic is, how do we know if we change it or whether it changes itself? Does it matter if the topic changes itself if that is the nature of topics?
If confusion outweighs clarity, if chaos outweighs order, if questions outweigh answers, then is that not evidence that Eris is true (http://www.ology.org/principia/body.html). And is it any wonder she'd be the first to deny so? Because who'd want to be responsible for this mess anyway.

The only sensible thing one can answer to most questions is: I don't know.

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by teao on Nov 1st, 2014, 6:17am

on 11/01/14 at 05:56:33, towr wrote:
What do you *******skip********: I don't know.

don't show bogus word jugglery and simply tell me that can you recall everything which you have thought or done on each second within `1 ( cheaptest ) minute ?

last time im asking you that can you recall everything or not ? ( what is your answer [censored])

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by towr on Nov 1st, 2014, 12:45pm

on 11/01/14 at 06:17:11, teao wrote:
don't show bogus word jugglery
Oh, right. I should leave that to you. Sorry. Didn't mean to encroach on your territory. Terribly unfair to rob you of the opportunity by not playing your game the way you want.

Suffice it to say, one man's nonsense is another man's wisdom. You may take comfort in that; or take offense at it - whichever you prefer.

and simply tell me that can you recall everything which you have thought or done on each second within `1 ( cheaptest ) minute ?
Look, I don't know if you realize this, but your English is not terribly good. The combination of cheap and minute is meaningless, except perhaps in mobile phone plans. And what's up with the ` ?

last time im asking you

( what is your answer foolish dullard )
Well, at least it's something else for a change. Not terribly inspired, though. I don't quite get what your intention is with those milk-toast insults. Would anyone do anything other than laugh at hearing a parrot insult them? It talks without thought, repeating what it heard without understanding.
"Polly wants a cracker?" (http://english.stackexchange.com/questions/75551/why-does-polly-want-a-cracker)

But hey. So you want to know whether I can remember every second of every minute of my life? Or any minute? (You never clarified.)

Let's say I don't. Hurrah! Now you can seize upon the opportunity to exclaim "Aha, but if you can't remember everything, then might you not have forgotten your past (lives?) and one day forget your current one". Sure, it's conceivable, though not probable, nor a notion worth entertaining (except for entertainment purposes). In fact it has as about much validity as claiming that every second I can't remember was spent as a little teapot (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russell%27s_teapot), short and stout, floating in space between the Earth and Mars, or thereabout. I mean, that's certainly conceivable; I've just conceived of it.
And then from there you'll segue into how you don't possess the intelligence to understand the supreme lord Krishna. This is all already in the opening post of this thread. It wasn't well articulated or intelligible then, and you seem to be simply following the same script.

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by teao on Nov 1st, 2014, 6:15pm

on 11/01/14 at 12:45:02, towr wrote:
Let's say I don't******skip*******script.

that means you cannot recall each seconds detial of `1 ( cheap ) minute ( which you have thought or done on each second )

just like for example:- Just as you can *judge* whether rice is properly cooked by picking out one small grain, so you can know that person is *Rascal* or Sane by observing one line of his/her matter.

and [censored] you have forgotten everything which you done or thought in `1 cheap minute then it means that you also forgot everything which you have done or thought withing your whole hour, day, week, month, year or your whole life.

so where is need of bogus faith or belief here ? this forgetfullnesss is practical [censored]. and you are [censored] so you will never admit that yes actually i cannot recall everything.

and still you are [censored]. but where is your brain ? [censored] where is brain ? it is already crippled and still you are claiming that there is no rebirth or afterlife ?

just see how big foolish rascal you actually are.

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by towr on Nov 2nd, 2014, 8:08am

on 11/01/14 at 18:15:54, teao wrote:
and street dog you have forgotten everything which you done or thought in `1 cheap minute then it means that you also forgot everything which you have done or thought withing your whole hour, day, week, month, year or your whole life.
It's amazing how you jump from not remembering every second to forgetting every second. Well, no, wait, that's not the word .. what is it again, oh yes -- I mean ridiculous.

so where is need of bogus faith or belief here ?
It's seated deep within your soul, apparently. I for one don't know why you bring it up, because it hasn't been a recent topic of discussion. But then we already established you don't quite have a grasp on logic or argumentation (or English).

this forgetfullnesss is practical
Ok, now I'm amazed, for once your rambling mind has stumbled on something I can agree with. Yes, forgetfulness is practical. Not only that, it is also comforting; to think I won't have to remember your nonsense is a blissful realization. I'd very nearly imagine a Goddess just so I have someone to thank for that small mercy. The horror it would be to have to remember one such as yourself for one's entirely life *shudder*.

and you are rascal dog
That sounds quite endearing, actually. "Oh you rascal dog, you. Who's a good boy, who's a good boy. You are, yes you~ are".

so you will never admit that yes actually i cannot recall everything.
I'll quite happily admit you don't recall everything. I wouldn't be surprised if you forgot to put on pants in the morning. Frankly, I wonder how many people need to remind you to breath so you get through the day without suffocating. Your train of thought jumps tracks like a knight on a chessboard. A complete lack of recollection of the last sentence you put down would explain that.

and still you are so much falsely puffed up.
That, my friend seems to be mostly projection. I'm just poking fun at your arrogant surety and inability to express any thought to back it up.

but where is your brain ? shameless rascal where is brain ?
It's inside the head upon my shoulders, high up, where I can keep it cool; which is a much better place than up one's ass where you keep yours.

and still you are claiming that there is no rebirth or afterlife ?
Yes, because there is no evidence for it, nor is there any need for it since it explains nothing. And you haven't given any argument to suggest otherwise, or in fact any argument even tangentially related to the issue. Nor, do I imagine, will you give any argument for why it deserves more consideration than any number of alternatives, like spending time as a teapot.

just see how big foolish rascal you actually are.
I know how foolish I am, and act, a lot better than you :P And a lot better than you seem to know your own foolishness.
See, I recognize my humanity, and the quirks that come with that. I like reading about it, because it's funny; and a bit scary. The mind is a wonderful, but somewhat nutty, thing. Like how it latches onto an idea and then only seeks to confirm it and dismisses any evidence to the contrary. How it seeks agents (like Gods and spirits) as causes, even where no such agents exist. How it sees itself in a more favorable light than objectivity would demand (except in depressives).
It's all very practical, in some sense. But it does not tend to lead to rational people. All too often it leads to people like you who have lost grip on reality and can only see the universe through the blinkers of their ideology. Which is sad, because there is so much more to see; even if it can be startling.

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by gotit on Nov 2nd, 2014, 10:15am

on 11/01/14 at 18:15:54, teao wrote:

and you are rascal dog

just see how big foolish rascal you actually are.

Have you even realized that the foolish street dogs in here (who are also rascals) are more logical than you are, speak better English than you do, and probably have a better understanding of your so called ideologies than you do.

That proves that the foolish street dogs (who are also rascals) are more intelligent than you are.

Oh wait !! I had forgotten that in one 'cheap minute' (whatever that means) yesterday, I had realized that the words like 'logic' or 'proof' do not exist in your dictionary (if at all you have one). So you will not understand (or refuse to understand) what the street dogs are trying to tell you.

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by teao on Nov 2nd, 2014, 9:29pm

on 11/02/14 at 10:15:54, gotit wrote:
Have you *****skip***** tell you.

althought my english is not very grammatically, rhetorically correct and Rascals are concerned with grammar. Actual workers are concerned with thoughts.

Why we should waste our time talking with such foolish men ( and [censored] ) ? "I don't believe." No, You believe or not believe; fact is fact. You are going to be old man. If you say "I don't believe," then is that a very good proposition? It does not depend on your believing or not believing. The nature's course will take place.

you say i don't believe that i cannot recall everything which i have thought or done on each second within `1 cheap minute. ( and what to speak about your whole hour, day, week, month, year or your whole life ? )

That will go on. What is there in your believing and not believing? If you keep yourself in such darkness that "If you believe, then it is fact," then you are a fool, [censored]. If you depend only on your belief, then you are a fool. What is the meaning of your belief?


and from the starting i didn't seen any rational, verifiable and tangible thing which any`1 has explained ( [censored] ).

all that you have done is imposing your personal opinions and experience. is this dry opinions and bogus experience is your rational logic ? and i have to believe such an [censored] like you ( all ) ??

just see the folly.

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by rmsgrey on Nov 3rd, 2014, 5:17am

on 11/02/14 at 21:29:04, teao wrote:
althought my english is not very grammatically, rhetorically correct and Rascals are concerned with grammar. Actual workers are concerned with thoughts.

If only there were a way to convey thoughts from one person to another in such a way that the intended recipient could comprehend the thought of the first thinker...

A lantern with no candle, or an unlit candle sheds no light, but nor does one covered in dirt and grime. If you wish the illumination of your thoughts to be perceived by others, then clean the lantern of your words.

As for why we waste our time talking to you, firstly it is our time to spend as we see fit; secondly, there is value in putting these things into words; and thirdly, there's always the remote chance that if we keep explaining things, someday someone will arrive who will learn even a little from it.

I agree wholeheartedly that this thread is probably foolish, but denying the personal experiences of other people removes the possibility of communicating with them. I have to start by assuming that my perceptions and experiences are real (while allowing that my interpretations of them may be faulty) otherwise I have nothing beyond the bare fact of my existence. I think I perceive words and I infer an intended meaning from those apparent words. If my personal experiences lack validity, then my interpretation of certain patterns within my visual perception is meaningless - the fact you attempt to communicate at all, however poorly, is strong evidence that you believe I will perceive your words accurately - that that particular personal experience of mine will be valid.

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by teao on Nov 3rd, 2014, 6:33am

on 11/03/14 at 05:17:40, rmsgrey wrote:
If only ********bogus bluff*******will be valid.

no wonder i already know it that im in fools paradise and all of you are nothing but [censored] just like [censored].

you are Fool and “A fool is accepted by another fool."

For Example :-" fool’s paradise."All of you are fools and you have created your own paradise. Do you know that story?

One was drinking, so his friend said, ‘Oh, you are drinking, you’ll go to hell.’
“‘No, why? My father drinks.’
“‘Well, he’ll also go to hell.’
“‘Oh, my brother drinks.’
“‘So he’ll also go to hell.’
“’My mother…’ In this way, the whole list was passed. Then he said, ‘Everyone will go to hell then where is hell? It is paradise! If father is going, then mother is going, then I am going, then brother is going, then where is hell?’
“It is like that. There’s no question of fool. If everyone, all of us are fool, then where is the question of intelligent? ‘Hey, we are intelligent. This is your conclusion.

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by towr on Nov 3rd, 2014, 8:59am

on 11/03/14 at 06:33:26, teao wrote:
no wonder i already know it that im in fools paradise and all of you are nothing but shameless, senseless, foolish rascal idiots just like street dogs.
Dude, what have street dogs ever done to you? Stop insulting them. Did they sleep with your mother or something?

you are Fool and “A fool is accepted by another fool."
That is contradicted by the fact I'm not accepting you. And if we're all fools here, you're all the bigger a fool for wasting your time on us  ::)

This is your conclusion.
No, my conclusion has always been that you're a clown. And not the scary kind of clown terrorizing France at the moment, but the kind of clown that invites laughter and ridicule with his crazy antics.

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by alien2 on Nov 3rd, 2014, 9:16am

Here is the purpose of human life -

The purpose of life is Emma Watson. :P

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by towr on Nov 3rd, 2014, 10:00am

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by Grimbal on Nov 3rd, 2014, 12:25pm
Dear teao.

The consensus among the regulars of this forum is that none of what you say makes sense.

We actually have treated you with great respect, considering the numerous insults you have spoken here.  Many of us have the power to delete all of your posts.  We haven't, because we respect you as a person.

I am not sure this is going to last, though.

You can insult me.  You don't know me so it doesn't matter what you think about me.  Go ahead, insult me!

And you can repeat your insanities a hundred times, it doesn't make them more true.  It only shows the world what sort of person you are.

I don't know what you are trying to achieve, but you can't win this.

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by rloginunix on Nov 3rd, 2014, 5:59pm
Also do not overlook the irony of the big picture - the West and everyone else is bashed via the tools created by the West and everyone else.

The wholesale insults here are carried around the world at the speed of light. A westerner, a British scientist Michael Faraday, developed an idea of the existence of an electromagnetic force field. Another westerner, a Scott, James Maxwell, used that idea to propose that light is an orthogonal juxtaposition of two carefully phased spatially oscillating waves - electric and magnetic - that can propagate through the vacuum and framed that idea into four differential or integral equations, pick your favorite.

The insults are, further, carried by the TCP/IP packets where TCP/IP stands for Transmission Control Protocol Internet Protocol which encodes its payload in binary numbers (courtesy of Gottfried Leibniz in the West, a German) and which was developed by the mathematicians, computer programmers and engineers employed by DARPA - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency - an arm of the federal government of the United States - the work that was paid for by everyone who pays federal taxes in the US.

The insults are, further, enveloped into the World-Wide Web protocol - an invention by the physicists from CERN - Tim Berners-Lee, Robert Caillau and others.

The insults were no doubt originated on some form of an electronic computing device. The very first such device, vacuum tube-based, was engineered by a British man Tommy Flowers in the early 1940-ies in Blatchley Park, north of London, England, where Mr. Flowers collaborated with another great British mind - Alan Turing who, as history has it, shared his country of origin with yet another big thinker of England - Charles Babbage.

Not to mention the seven-layer OSI network design, Ethernet, its cables, routers, repeaters, adapters, permanent storage, operating systems, compilers used to create the web servers, web browsers, text editors, forum software ...

But these tangible achievements were not done in vacuum overnight. There is a long history and a tall hierarchy of the great minds of the past whose contributions led up to it.

Speaking of the past. If I am catching the drift here and reading the ethnic backgrounds correctly what about Satyendra Nath Bose? He was as Indian as one can get. Yet he somehow found it very much possible to reconcile his potential differences with the West and be the first one to step forward and write a letter expressing his quantum mechanics idea to Albert Einstein. Einstein knew a thing or two about logic - he instantly deduced who the author of the letter was. He also instantly realized the worth of the idea.

And regardless of potential culinary and religious differences Einstein not only translated Bose's idea from English into German himself but used his weight (and reputation!) to be instrumental in getting Bose's work published in a prestigious German physics magazine, which he saw through, and that is why we all can now read about Bose-Einstein statistics and Bose-Einstein condensate.

As we can see not only the East came to the West but the West responded to and collaborated with the East in an equal measure. Why? Because the currency of these people - solid facts, hard logic, deduction chains that prove or disprove original ideas - transcends the minutia of everything else.

But do not despair, teao. There is plenty of opportunity for a positive expansion of energy. Just like the great minds of the past - create something new subject to the rules described above, share it with the rest of us, ask for nothing in return. For example. A very very small interesting number known to humans is Planck length. In meters it is 10 to the -35th power. A very very large interesting number known to humans is the diameter of the known Universe. In meters it is 10 to the +26th power. As it turns out in modern physics it is not just their simple ratio that is interesting - but the square of that ratio which makes the magnitude difference between the two distances even more pronounced: 26*2 = 52, 35*2 = 70, 52 + 70 = 122 orders of magnitude.

The objective is very simple. Find one equation - just one, how hard could that be? - which covers this 122 orders of magnitude difference from end to end and captures the physics of the Universe along the way.

Partial examples. In that equation if we rejigger some small number of parameters it should explain this Universe at a tiny scale of elementary particles. If we rejigger some small number of parameters again it should explain the Universe at the scale normal to humans (a ball 1 centimeter in radius rolling off of a sphere 1 meter in radius). If we rejigger some small number of parameters yet again it should explain the Universe at the biggest of scales (galaxies, metagalaxies and beyond). That is all and good luck.

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by rmsgrey on Nov 4th, 2014, 5:03am
Going back to the original post:

1) My parents are the people who raised me. There's a good chance that they are also the people whose genetic material combined to form mine, but that's largely irrelevant. If I cared, I could observe the similarities of feature I bear to other members of my extended family as corroboratory evidence, and I could even go to the expense of getting genetic testing done - in principle, I could also do the genetic testing myself, or get a friend to do it in my presence and understand their actions.

My point is that I don't need to rely on authority to identify my parents - nor to identify the individuals whose genetic material combined to form mine - there is evidence out there, and I can find it and verify it myself.

2) There are many who are claimed to be authorities, some of whom even claim themselves to be authorities. It is decidedly not the case that they all agree about Krishna, nor about pretty much anything else you care to mention. The only way all authorities can agree on something is if you have some means of determining which people who are said to be authorities actually are authorities. The most commonly used one is to accept one or two authorities and accept or reject other claimed authorities based on their agreement or disagreement with your accepted authorities. A more rational approach is to accept reality as your first authority and judge other authorities by reference to that.

3) If I have no memory of any previous lives, and there is no direct evidence of them, then their existence or otherwise is irrelevant - they're only significant if they actually produce observable effects on my life that can't be explained without them

4) I tried chanting various things for 5 minutes each - I found the strongest positive effect came from "Supercallifragilisticexpialidocious" - maybe Dame Julie Andrews knows something we don't? The Bene Gesserit Litany Against Fear also has positive effects, but they're situational.

5) The vast majority of religions, faiths, moral philosophers and anyone else who tells people what they should do all pretty much agree on the "being a better person" part of things - be nice to other people, eat less meat and more vegetables, get some exercise, etc. So the "don't gamble, don't have illicit sex, don't do drugs and don't eat meat" part of your prescription is standard stuff. The chanting is also a fairly standard element, though the content varies widely.

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by teao on Nov 4th, 2014, 9:17am

on 11/04/14 at 05:03:08, rmsgrey wrote:
Going back to the original post:

2) There are many who are claimed to be authorities, some of whom even claim themselves to be authorities.

alright now simply tell me what kind of explanation those authorities are giving to you ( or every`1 else ) ?

explain there explanations right now.

and keep this thing in your [censored] brain that you cannot impose another authority on us. ( we the Hare Krishnas )

now im waiting for those explanation which many authorities have already given to you.

simply explain there explanations. ( and if there is no explanation then keep your nonsense in your fools paradise. )

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by Grimbal on Nov 4th, 2014, 9:49pm

on 11/04/14 at 09:17:23, teao wrote:
(some more blabbering)

Frankly, nobody cares.

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by rmsgrey on Nov 5th, 2014, 6:14am

on 11/04/14 at 09:17:23, teao wrote:
explain there explanations right now.

I can't explain it all in one post, or even in a hundred posts. And you've not said what it is that you want the explanations of, so...

In the beginning, something happened. There are lots of guesses about what that something was, some of which are intended to be taken more seriously than others, but what we do know is that shortly after that beginning, the entire universe was filled with high-intensity energy. As space expanded, the whole thing started to cool down, and matter and anti-matter started to condense out of the wild energy, forming and annihilating in almost equal quantities - almost equal because, when the dust settled, there was a tiny amount of matter left over. Things expanded and cooled still further - quark-gluon plasma condensed into nucleons, and proton-electron plasma condensed into atoms, making the universe suddenly transparent, and the last dim glow of that fireball can still be seen today if you have eyes that can see at microwave frequencies - if you have an analogue radio, you can pick it up - tune in between stations, and listen to the hiss - part of that signal is from the Sun, part of it is terrestrial sources, and part of it is other celestial radio sources; but part of it is the background glow of that first great fireball, slowly fading over billions of years.

The matter of the universe was about 3/4 Hydrogen atoms, 1/4 Helium atoms, and a trace of other light elements, and was spread out almost, but not quite evenly in space. That slight unevenness, under the combined influences of gravity and time, grew more pronounced - dense areas got denser; sparse areas, emptier. On very large scales, the density of matter decreased as the universe continued to expand, but locally, in some places, the density increased. Denser regions collapsed in on themselves until they got hot and dense enough to start fusing Hydrogen into Helium, forming an uneasy equilibrium with the explosive release of energy from the fusion countering the pull of gravity while the Hydrogen lasted. But the effect of gravity wasn't restricted to forming stars - the process of concentrating matter into clumps with gaps between them took place at every scale, from specks of dust up to super-clusters of galaxies.

The early stars burned brightly and burned out fast, ending their days with massive explosions that scattered newly-formed heavier elements across the sky. Over millions of years, the interstellar shockwaves created new regions of star formation, and the continuing process of star formation started producing stars that included the heavy elements from the start. The heavier of those new stars, in turn, burned through their fuel and exploded, giving rise to a third generation of stars.

In the course of turning a cloud of interstellar gas into a star, the net angular momentum of the cloud has to be accounted for. Most of the matter in the cloud condenses down into a spinning disc, which further collapses into a central mass with almost no angular momentum, and a serious of rings, with most of the angular momentum and relatively little of the mass. The matter in the rings collects together through collisions and ends up as planets (and other junk).

In the case of one particular third-generation star, fairly late in planetary formation, when the planets were largely settled, something happened, probably a collision with one of those bits of junk, that gave one of those planets a disproportionately large satellite. Almost as soon as that planet's surface cooled down enough to allow it, life started to develop, leading, eventually, to radical changes in the planet's atmosphere and surface layers.

After billions of years, an animal emerged that developed the capacity for tool use, for abstract thought, and for communication of arbitrary data. Members of that species asked questions about the world around them, and came up with stories that described and explained their experiences. Eventually, they came up with a way of thinking about those stories and deciding which ones seem more likely to be true known as the scientific method (which basically consists of trying hard to prove something's not true, and accepting it as probably true when it turns out you can't despite it looking like you should be able to). Using that approach, that animal has developed the ability to communicate further, travel faster, build higher and dig deeper than any other animal on the planet, and has even explored other planets, studied other stars, and come up with a reasonably convincing story for how the whole thing developed.

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by teao on Nov 9th, 2014, 7:17am

on 11/05/14 at 06:14:33, rmsgrey wrote:
I can't explain it *******skip******** reasonably convincing story for how the whole thing developed.

is this dry talking is your rational explanation ? is this dry nonsense is your rational or logical explanation ?

and i have to believe such an [censored] like you ? just see the fun of your fools paradise.

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by rloginunix on Nov 9th, 2014, 12:31pm
1). teao, you are engaging in a dubious practice of obscuring the author's content. Mathematics tells us that any large enough body of text can be rearranged in a multitude of ways none of which is author's original intent.

rmsgrey did not say "I can't explain it", he said "I can't explain it in one post, or even in a hundred posts". And that is putting it modestly.

To summarize the entire body of mathematics and physics related knowledge, to answer your "question", a thousand posts is not enough - the modern calculus books are about 1000 pages long if not more, the Quantum Mechanics book that I still have from my college days is 765 pages (Landau/Lifsh*tz), the "Introduction to Complex Analysis" is 571 pages (Shabat), "Optics" is 739 pages (Sivuhin), my 3 tomes of Donald Knuth's "The Art of Computer Programming" totals  2293 pages, "The Course of Theory of Probability" is 389 pages (Gnedenko), "Celestial Mechanics" is 795 pages (Duboshin). This is not even scratching the surface. Geometry, number theory, combinatorial analysis, linear algebra, game theory, group theory, graph theory. "The Princeton Companion to Mathematics" - just an overview of mostly pure math is 1056 pages. I mean it's not even funny ...

2). But that is besides the point - you did not really pose a proper question. This forum's regulars know very well that when you can not frame a proper question but post something anyway it is a sure sign that you yourself do not really understand the topic.

on 11/09/14 at 07:17:39, teao wrote:
is this dry talking is your rational explanation ? is this dry nonsense is your rational or logical explanation ?

To me it is. Yes, it is logical. Yes, it is rational. And no, it is not dry. And no, it is not nonsense. Just saying that something is nonsense does not really make that something nonsense. You need to provide a proof of your statement within the established rules.

4). No one here is asking you to "believe" in anything. At first the German scientist Johannes Kepler "believed" he could explain the inner workings of the Universe with five Platonic Solids. However, later he worked closely with the wealthy Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe who initially kept most of the numbers he obtained to himself. Eventually likely one of the best observational data collectors of his time Brahe realized that Kepler is a much stronger theoretician (likely one of the best of his time) and gave Kepler a full access to the empirical data. A wise decision.

What happened next is very important. Based on solid facts (data), hard logic (numbers simply did not fit) and a chain of reasoning Kepler eventually realized that the planets' orbits are ellipses, not circles, and - pause to ponder - he was a man enough to acknowledge the error of his ways, abandon his earlier beliefs (oh how incredibly hard it must have been!) and stick with ... solid facts, hard logic and reasoning.

This resulted, for example, in the discovery that a planet's radius vector sweeps the sectors of equal square area in equal time periods. Whether you (or I or we) believe that this is true or not is irrelevant - this law is deduced mathematically. If you think that it is not true - please provide a mathematical proof.

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by towr on Nov 9th, 2014, 1:23pm
Ah, but see, only fools need proof. The wise man simply beliefs whatever he hears from the first person that calls themselves an authority and then closes his mind so pesky doubt can't creep in. And as a special bonus he gets to call other people fools; oh joy!

Anyway, who wants to believe boring things? Who cares if it's true or not, or well-argumented or not. Add a few gods and spirits, throw in some heroes and villains, some love interests and illicit affairs. Soap-opera it up. That's the way to reach the discerning masses.

[/psych! sarcasm actually ends here]

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by teao on Nov 9th, 2014, 6:03pm

on 11/09/14 at 13:23:34, towr wrote:
Ah, but see, ****skip****masses.

[/psych! sarcasm actually ends here]

the scientific method means first observation, then hypothesis, and then demonstration. But you cannot demonstrate your hypothesis. you simply observe and then speak nonsense.

and “Your claim also is myth. Who believes you? If you don’t believe me, I don’t believe you. Finished.”
You have got your personal " whims "I’ve got my authority. What is your age? You are all scientists within two hundred years. And our Bhagavata is written five thousand years ago. Why shall I accept yours? You have become all scientists, and everything within two hundred years. What is the age of your European, Western civilization? It cannot go more than three thousand years? Our Bhagavata is written five thousand years ago. And before that, Sukadeva Goswami says, ‘I have heard like this.’ That’s all. Millions and millions of years ago.

and that is all.

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by towr on Nov 9th, 2014, 11:04pm

on 11/09/14 at 18:03:46, teao wrote:
the scientific method means first observation, then hypothesis, and then demonstration. But you cannot demonstrate your hypothesis.
? I don't know what you mean. All of technology is a demonstration of hypotheses/theories. Hypotheses predict consequences to test and work with. Because of science we can build computers, cars airplanes; these demonstrate that the predictions of quantum-mechanics, thermodynamics and aerodynamics (among many other theories) work out.

What hypotheses do you offer that has any practical consequence and value? That can prove their worth as more than myth?

You are all scientists within [ed]two hundred 450 [/ed] years. And our Bhagavata is written [ed]five 2.5 (or 1 if you mean the Bhagavata Purana)[/ed] thousand years ago.
And those 450 years got us cars, airplanes, computers, the internet, sanitation, etc.
What did 2500 years of  Bhagavad-gita get you, other than a nice bed time story? You barely have sanitation now.

Our Bhagavata is written five thousand years ago.

a) It wasn't. It's from the 5th century BC at best, possibly 2nd.
b) Even if it were, so what?
c) Homer's "Odyssey" predates it by several centuries, so if age=authority, then haha.

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by teao on Nov 10th, 2014, 12:54am

on 11/09/14 at 23:04:54, towr wrote:
? I don't know what you mean. All of technology is a demonstration of hypotheses/theories. Hypotheses predict consequences to test and work with. Because of science we can build computers, cars airplanes; these demonstrate that the predictions of quantum-mechanics, thermodynamics and aerodynamics (among many other theories) work out.

The same example. Just like computer machine. you do not find that the machine is made by a brain which is different from this material. But you are trying to find out a brain from this. This is your childish thinking. The brain is different from machine. The machine is lump of iron. And the one who is working with the machine is a different from the machine. That you do not know. That you do not know. That is your defect. Now what is this computer machine will do unless there is a worker in the computer room, highly salaried man?

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by rmsgrey on Nov 10th, 2014, 4:56am
I say that we are made of the ashes of dead stars, and you call it dry nonsense. I say that we can tell what happened a hundred million generations ago, and you boast of stories less than a hundred generations old. I point at the wonder that my stories led to the creation of and allows us to send messages around the world at the speed of thought, and you say it's just a machine.

Consider a grain of sand. My stories would tell you of time spent as molten rock deep beneath the ground, the eruption of a volcano, the long, slow weathering of the volcanic rock, the boulder breaking down into gravel, smoothed into pebbles and worn away yet further by the action of stream, river and ocean. Maybe the grain is older, and, after becoming sand the first time, settled to an ancient sea-bed, and got pressed into sandstone, then in the slow-motion cataclysmic upheaval of a collision between continents, the layered sediments were raised into the air, where the wind and the rain patiently wore them down until our grain of sand was exposed once more, broke off the mass as part of a chunk of rock, and went through the process of eroding down to a single grain once more. Or I could talk about the chemistry of it - the rigid structure of atoms that gives it its strength. Or the uses for the silicon that's a large portion of sand, or the transformation of sand into glass, or...

What can you find in a grain of sand?

I live in a world full of wonders, and one of the greatest wonders of them all is that we can understand so much of it - that we can write down symbols and equations, and think about them, and then go out and say "let there be houses" or "let there be electric light" or "let there be a way of walking across water" or "let there be a device that, by adding 1s and 0s together, can show me images of what was happening on the far side of the world less than a second age, can let me talk to someone across continents and oceans, can create the illusion of entire worlds that I and others can then interact with, alone or together" and have those things come to pass.

So go on, tell me I'm a fool in a fool's paradise. I'll take my paradise over your blind authorities and dusty precepts.

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by towr on Nov 10th, 2014, 9:08am

on 11/10/14 at 00:54:15, teao wrote:
The same example. Just like computer machine. you do not find that the machine is made by a brain which is different from this material. But you are trying to find out a brain from this.
I don't understand what you're trying to say here. Could you rephrase it?

The brain is different from machine.
On what basis do you make that claim?
It is a physical thing. Its function lies in its physical state, that's how we can now (up to a point) read minds using (f)MRI (yes, technology has progressed that far). There is no reason to think there is anything beyond the physical to the mind. But as always, we're open to evidence to the contrary.

The machine is lump of iron.
It's not, actually. That's the problem when you have no interest in how things really are, you won't know what you're talking about. Computers currently work using semiconductors, silicon. Iron does not have the required quantum-mechanical properties.
There are other kinds of computers, you could make a purely mechanical one, like Babbage's difference engine; or one that uses DNA. But the current information age runs on silicon.

Now what is this computer machine will do unless there is a worker in the computer room
I'd hazard to guess most computers in the world are operated from outside of the room, even building, they stand in.
And even if no human interfered with them, they'd just keep running their software until the power cuts out or they break. That's why we use computers, to automate things, so we don't have to constantly pay attention to it.

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by teao on Nov 10th, 2014, 6:50pm

on 11/10/14 at 09:08:17, towr wrote:
I don't understand *****skip****** attention to it.

The same thing: the computer machine. The rascal will think that a computer machine is working. No. The man is working. He pushes the button, then it works. Otherwise, what is the value of this machine? You keep the machine for thousands of years, it will not work. When another man will come, put the button, then it will work.

So who is working? The machine is working or the man is working?

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by towr on Nov 11th, 2014, 9:11am

on 11/10/14 at 18:50:05, teao wrote:
The same thing: the computer machine. The rascal will think that a computer machine is working. No. The man is working. He pushes the button, then it works. Otherwise, what is the value of this machine? You keep the machine for thousands of years, it will not work. When another man will come, put the button, then it will work.

So who is working? The machine is working or the man is working?
Like a human or other animal, once a computer is brought into the world and the software is running, then it can in principle operate itself as long as it has energy. No one needs to keep pushing buttons for it to keep working. I guess you've never heard of automation.

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by rloginunix on Nov 11th, 2014, 9:56am

on 11/10/14 at 18:50:05, teao wrote:
The rascal will think that a computer machine is working.
There are many rascals on this planet. So what? Anyone has the right to be and remain a rascal all life long.

on 11/10/14 at 18:50:05, teao wrote:
The rascal will think that a computer machine is working. No. The man is working. He pushes the button, then it works. Otherwise, what is the value of this machine?
Another pointless statement that can be applied to a variety of items. For example. Your kitchen knife. Who exactly cuts the loaf of bread with it? The man. The man is working. He moves the knife back and forth through the loaf of bread. Then the knife cuts. Otherwise, what is the value of this item (when it rests in the drawer)?

on 11/10/14 at 18:50:05, teao wrote:
So who is working? The machine is working or the man is working?
Who cares? Using your own numbers - while you have been chanting "Hare Hare Krishna" for the last 5000 years some of us who have not, in just 200 years, created this "computer machine" (that you yourself by the way are using) that helps some of us operate submarines under the sea, fly the planes heavier than air through the air, move cars and trains on the land, launch satellites to orbit our and other planets.

Computers have helped us discover very large Mersenne Primes. A systematic use of computers have helped us find some Mersenne Primes that were lurking between the known Mersenne Primes and have been previously overlooked.

Computers combined with the technology based on fractals help us find cancer in its early stages - when it is treatable.

Computers connected into one large network allow us - humans of all walks of life, various ethnic, political, cultural and religious backgrounds and geographic locales - for the first time in human history exchange and share ideas freely and free of charge on the enormous scale never seen before. And I think that because of that we are on the verge of some new breathtaking scientific discovery.

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by teao on Nov 12th, 2014, 1:11am

on 11/11/14 at 09:11:39, towr wrote:
Like **skip** I guess you've never heard of automation.

so your computer is starting without any button ( automatically ) ?? and i have to believe such an [censored] like you ?

just see how big shameless and senseless [censored] you are.

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by rmsgrey on Nov 12th, 2014, 3:28am

on 11/12/14 at 01:11:16, teao wrote:
so your computer is starting without any button ( automatically ) ?? and i have to believe such an rascal fool like you ?

just see how big shameless and senseless rascal you are.

So you speak English without having been taught? Or is it that you have needed input from other people too?

What difference does it make if a computer can't do something no human can either?

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by towr on Nov 12th, 2014, 9:03am

on 11/12/14 at 01:11:16, teao wrote:
so your computer is starting without any button ( automatically ) ??
It can; it has features like wake-on-lan and wake-on-power.

So, did you give birth to yourself? Or did you need something else to get your process running? Are all your (probably very few) accomplishments your mother's, because she made you?

and i have to believe such an rascal fool like you ?
You can believe whatever idiotic thing you want.
You don't have to believe me; you don't have to read what I write; you don't even have to acknowledge my existence. But regardless of what you do or do not believe, or do or do not do, the truth will not change. And without the rascally audacity to doubt received wisdom and the foolish tenacity to seek knowledge, you will never know even the smallest part of it.

just see how big shameless and senseless rascal you are.
As a wise man once said, I don't think that means what you think it means.

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by teao on Nov 12th, 2014, 5:15pm

on 11/12/14 at 09:03:37, towr wrote:
It can; it has features like wake-on-lan and wake-on-power.

So, ****skip**** means.

so [censored] you have to activate this wak-on-lan mod or it will work automatically without anyone's activation ? ( or without your will ) ?

unless you will activate this mod will it work ? ( you leave your computer for thousdands of years will this mod will work automatically ? )

no of course not unless some`1 else ( or you ) will activate this mod it will not work ( with your so called automatiocally.)

so what is meaning with talking with such an so called wise ( dullard ) like you ?

there is no meaning in wasting time with such an [censored] like you. ( and it is an fact )

Title: Re: Here is the purpose of human life -
Post by towr on Nov 13th, 2014, 10:20am

Can't you come up with something interesting? We all get that you don't understand computer technology, or history, or science, or from the look of it anything much. You don't even understand the fine art of insults.
Are you trying to win an argument by boring us to death? It's a good thing you believe in reincarnation, because you would need several lifetimes to make any headway in an argument with the lackluster mental prowess you've got going. Heck, as far as conversation skills go, you could learn a things or two from Eliza, and she's a brainless automaton (said he as if it were a distinction).

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