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general >> wanted >> Weighted Singular Value Decomposition
(Message started by: 1337b4k4 on Aug 26th, 2008, 11:31am)

Title: Weighted Singular Value Decomposition
Post by 1337b4k4 on Aug 26th, 2008, 11:31am
So although I am not a desperate information mongerer, I am running into some difficulties with my own research and am wondering if any of you guys might be able to help. At least some of you, I bet, are mathy graduate studenty researchy types, and you might know a bit about Singular Value Decomposition.

The basic idea is given an nxm matrix M, you want to find matrices U(nxn),S(nxm),V(mxm) s.t. USV = M, S is Diagonal (And the diagonal entries are in decreasing order, preferably), and U and V are orthogonal. Its useful for finding optimal low-rank approximations to larger matrices, where the approximation error is measured by the sum of the errors squared.


Although there is plenty of information on the interwebs about regular singular value decomposition, I'm trying to implement some solutions to the weighted variant, where you try to minimize a weighted sum of the errors squared. This time along with a matrix M, you are also given a similiarly sized matrix W.

I've modified some SVD algorithms to try to deal with weighted SVD, but after looking around a bunch, I can't even find a reference algorithm or software package that I can test mine against. I'm doing this for a start-up company and not a university, so I don't have access to hoards and hoards of papers either :/ If any of you happen to know where I could look for any info, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!  :-*

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