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Anna, Rex and me going for a walk in the park below Grandma's house.
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There are so many beautiful sunsets at Grandma's house, and yet it is still impossible to take them for granted...
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Grandma loves to play bridge, and it's rare that she can get together three other bridge players, but this is the perfect opportunity! The Grandma-Cliff team trounced the Dad-Rex team. The following night, the fortunes were reversed.
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Jeremy has just returned from visiting his family in New York for the holidays. I am very happy to see him. It was a long eight days!
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Cliff and Karina are ready to head out for a night in San Francisco with Ian, their friend who is visiting from Sydney for the holidays.
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It's New Year's Eve, and we have traveled to Golden Gate Park to visit the Conservatory of Flowers. Alas, it's a Monday, and the Conservatory is closed on Mondays! Some confusion ensues. We decide to head to Strybing Arboretum instead.
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Anna and Rex in a forest of tree ferns (in Golden Gate Park).
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Mom in Strybing Arboretum at Golden Gate Park. Since she was always on the other end of the camera, there aren't nearly enough pictures of her!
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We are all looking up at a falcon that has perched in the cypress tree overhead.
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Dad is taking a video of me holding two colorful Japanese maple leaves.
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Back at Grandma's house, I am showing old family photos to Karina, Jeremy and Anna.
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This is the first in a series of Official Family Portraits. Here, the Kerrs sit on the couch, with significant others positioned directly behind.
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And now we have men on the couch with their ladies behind them.
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Now, ladies on the couch and men behind!
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Having exhausted all the reasonable configurations, we now swap glasses. Cliff is wearing Karina's glasses, I am wearing Jeremy's glasses, and I'm not too sure what Rex and Anna have done.
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When it comes to family portraits, you can only keep a straight face for so long.
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Awww. Aren't we cute! Happy 2008, everyone! ~~ THE END ~~