Exam #1 Results

33 exams were submitted and scores ranged from 53% to 91%.
The mean score was 69.52%.

As a result, I curved the scores raising each score +6 points.
The scores then ranged from 59% to 97% and the mean score was 75.52%.

There was also a +.742 correlation between a student's total Reading Questions grade thus far and their first exam score. That is to say, those who did their homework were more likely to score well on the exam.

The numerical score will correspond to a letter grade as follows:
Grade Percentages # Receiving
A+ 99-100% 0
A 93-98% 5
A- 90-92% 0
B+ 88-89% 0
B 83-87% 6
B- 80-82% 3
C+ 78-79% 2
C 73-77% 3
C- 70-72% 1
D+ 68-69% 3
D 63-67% 3
D- 60-62% 4
F <60% 3