Exam #2 Results

29 exams were submitted and scores ranged from 44% to 96%.
The mean score was 72.14%.

As a result, I curved the scores, raising each score +3 points.
The scores then ranged from 47% to 99% and the mean score was 75.14%.

There was also a +.627 correlation between a student's Section 2 Reading Questions grade and their Section 2 exam score. That is to say, those who did their homework were more likely to score well on the exam.

Also, I have learned that Riverside Community College does not record + or - grades, and the only grades recorded are A, B, C, D, and F.  So, the numerical score will correspond to a letter grade as follows:
Grade Percentages # Receiving
A 90-100% 6
B 80-89% 6
C 70-79% 7
D 60-69% 4
F <60% 6