PHI 10 - Introduction to Philosophy

Riverside Community College  Spring 2003     B. Carver
Friday 9:10 a.m. – 12:40 p.m.     ST 201


Study Guides


Plato - The Apology
W.K. Clifford - The Ethics of Belief

Philosophy of Religion

St. Thomas Aquinas - The Five Ways
William Rowe - An Examination of the Cosmological Argument
William Paley - The Watch and the Watchmaker
David Hume - A Critique of the Teleological Argument
St. Anselm and Gaunilo - The Ontological Argument
Blaise Pascal - Yes, Faith is a Logical Bet
J.L. Mackie - Evil and Omnipotence
John Hick - There is a Reason Why God Allows Evil


Pojman's Intro to Part V (320-325) & Baron d'Holbach - We are Completely Determined
W.T. Stace - Compatibilism
Richard Taylor - A Contemporary Defense of Free Will
John Locke - Our Psychological Properties Define the Self
David Hume - We Have No Substantial Self With Which We Are Identical
Derek Parfit and Godfrey Vesey - Brain Transplants and Personal Identity

Political Philosophy

Thomas Hobbes - The Absolutist Answer
John Locke - The Democratic Answer
John Stuart Mill - A Classical Liberal Answer
John Hospers - The Libertarian Answer
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels - The Communist Answer
John Rawls - The Liberal Answer
Bertrand Russell - The Value of Philosophy (in Pojman 18-22)

Political Philosophy Questions

Lecture Notes & News of Interest

The Judeo-Christian Conception of God
Ohio Board Hears Debate on an Alternative to Darwinism (New York Times)
Information on Split-Brain Research
Philosopher John Rawls, 81, Died November 24, 2002 (Washington Post)

Online Texts


Plato - The Apology
W.K. Clifford - The Ethics of Belief (Read Section I only)

Philosophy of Religion

St. Thomas Aquinas - The Five Ways
William Paley - Excerpts fromNatural Theology
David Hume - Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion (Read Part II [143-150] and all of Part V.)
    St. Anselm - Excerpts from Proslogium (Read Chapters II-IV)
    Gaunilo's Reply (Read Point #6)
    St. Anselm's Rejoinder (Read Chapter III)


Baron d'Holbach - Excerpt from The System of Nature (Read Chapter XI)
More coming...

Political Philosophy

Thomas Hobbes - Leviathan
More coming...
Bertrand Russell - The Value of Philosophy (Chapter 15)

Exam Results

Exam #1 Results
Exam #2 Results
Exam #3 Results

Educational and Other Resources

Me. (The first place you should turn if you are having trouble in the course.)
Philosophers use fancy words:Look them up!
How to get a free web-based e-mail address

Just for Fun

Five Ways to Prove the Existence of Santa Claus
Kant's Criticism of Anselm in Cartoon