1.Hobbes believes all persons are equal because

2.Hobbes says that all people are at war in the state of nature because

3.What does Hobbes say about justice and injustice in a state of nature?

4.Hobbes believes that life in the state of nature is

5.According to Hobbes, what is the right of nature?

6.According to Hobbes, what is the first natural law or fundamental law of nature?

7.What is Hobbes' second law of nature?

8.What is Hobbes' third law of nature?

9.Hobbes and Locke would most likely AGREE about which of the following?

10.Which of the following would Hobbes and Locke be most likely to DISAGREE on?

11.Locke believes all persons are equal because

12.According to Locke, how should decisions be made within the State?

13.Which of the following would Locke find most conducive to the preservation of private property?

14.According to Locke, which of the following is a power that people have in the state of nature, but which they give up upon entering organized society?

15.Which of the following is NOT a principle that Locke believes should be followed in order to restrict the power of the legislative branch?

16.In which of the following situations would Locke be most likely to agree that the people in the situation have the right to revolt against their government?
17.In Mill's survey of historical governments he finds that most have their origin in

18.Mill describes which of the following as a means by which early patriots attempted to limit the power of their governments?

19.Which of the following did Mill identify as a new abuse of power that became possible under democratic governments?

20.Mill identifies which of the following as something people should be protected from?

21.Which of the following would be a justification for restricting someone's liberty that Mill would accept?

22.Which of the following would be an exception to ?The Harm Principle? that Mill would accept?

23.Which of the following would Mill likely accept and find beneficial to society?

24.According to Hospers, what is the basic libertarian doctrine?

25.Which of the following would Hospers be most likely to support?
26.If authors were no longer given individual property rights to their works of fiction, Hospers would be most likely to believe that which of the following would happen?

27.According to Hospers, the proper role of government is

28.Hospers believes that when government plays its proper role, citizens are benefited because they

29.Which of the following is a law that Hospers would be likely to support?

30.Which of the following relationships between businesses and government would Hospers be most likely to favor?

31.Hospers' view is most closely related to the political philosophy of

32.Marx and Engels look forward to who as a new ruling class?

33.Marx and Engels explain that the bourgeoisie have influenced population distribution by

34.Who is the proletariat that Marx and Engels discuss?

35.According to Marx and Engels, what tends to happen to the lower middle class (small business owners) in a time of Modern Industry?

36.On Marx and Engels' view, the proletariat would be likely to have which of the following reactions to the dissolution of property rights?

37.Given Marx and Engel's portrayal of Communism, it would be reasonable to believe that Communists and those who favor democracy would agree that

38.Each of the following is something that Marx and Engel's claim the Communist party would hope to achieve EXCEPT

39.Each of the following is among the settled rights of equal citizenship that Rawls discusses EXCEPT

40.The social contract that Rawls discusses differs from those discussed by Hobbes or Locke in that it

41.Rawls describes an ?original position? which is

42.According to Rawls, thinking about the original position is supposed to help us

43.According to Rawls, the people ?in? the original position are assumed to be

44.What is Rawls' position on the distribution of wealth and income in a just society?

45.The maximin rule that Rawls describes is a rule for

46.Russell believes that those who view philosophy as a waste of time are mistaken about the

47.Russell believes that one difference between the goods that philosophy hopes to achieve and the goods that science hopes to achieve is that

48.What does Russell think society would still need if we wiped out poverty and disease?

49.Russell says that in its earliest days philosophy originally included

50.Which of the following would Russell agree characterizes a good student of philosophy?