Reading Questions
Robert Nye - Three Psychologies Chapter 4 (Set 1)

1. Explain the concept of actualization in Rogers' theory.
2. Why did Rogers think that objective scientific inquiry based on deterministic assumptions was a limited approach to the study of humans?
3. Explain what a Q-sort is.  What is its purpose?
4. Explain Rogers' view of the organismic valuing process.
5. Explain Rogers' notion of unconditional positive regard.

Reading Questions
Robert Nye - Three Psychologies Chapter 4 (Set 2)

1. In Rogers' theory what two aspects of a person can be in congruence or incongruence?
2. Briefly describe the attitudes a client-centered therapist should take towards their clients.
3. Explain Rogers' concept of subception.
4. Explain what an encounter group is, and describe its most significant features.
5. Discuss briefly what are, in your opinion, some of the strengths and weaknesses of Rogers' views.