Study Guide
Tom Regan - The Radical Egalitarian Case for Animal Rights

1. What does Regan conceive the Animal Rights Movement as being committed to?
2. What would Regan think of someone like Frey who wanted to ameliorate the suffering of factory farm animals, but continue factory farming?
3. Does Regan agree with Singer on what makes our treatment of animals wrong? If so, explain. If not, explain how Regan and Singer differ.
4. What kind of view is the example of the neighbor kicking your dog supposed to illustrate? Name a philosopher that we've read that holds such a view.
5. Explain the view Regan calls contractarianism. What sort of rights, if any, would animals have on such a view? Does it depend on the animal?
6. What is Regan's primary complaint against contractarianism?
7. What is Regan's primary complaint against the sort of contractarianism defended by Rawls?
8. Explain the "cruelty-kindness" view. What does Regan think of this view?
9. What does Regan think is wrong with utilitarianism?
10. What point is Regan trying to make with the Aunt Bea example?
11. What is inherent value according to Regan? Who has it? To what extent?
12. What is the basic similarity had between all beings with inherent value?
13. Would Regan agree that individuals could have varying degrees of inherent value?
14. What are the implications of Regan's view for animal experimentation, animal agriculture, and sport hunting and trapping?