Study Guide:
U.S. Supreme Court - Roe vs. Wade

1. What was the status of abortion laws at the time of our country's founding?
2. The Court finds that three reasons have been advanced to explain historically the change in abortion laws in the 19th century and to justify their continued existence. What are they? What seems to be the Court's opinion of each?
3. According to the Court, how does a woman's right to privacy figure in this debate, and where does Justice Blackmun think find this right in the US Constitution?
4. Does the Court believe a woman's right to privacy is absolute? Explain why/why not.
5. What is the Court's estimation of the view that the fetus is a "person" within the language and meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment?
6. What does the Court mean by the term "viability" as it relates to the fetus?
7. What did the Court determine is the "compelling" point in the state's interest in the health of the mother?
8. What did the Court determine is the "compelling" point in the state's interest in potential life?