Reading Questions
William Rowe - An Examination of the Cosmological Argument

1. Define what an a posteriori argument is and what an a priori argument is. Is the Cosmological Argument a posteriori or a priori?
2. Rowe says the Cosmological Argument has two parts. What does each part try to prove?
3. Explain what a dependent being is and what a self-existent being is.
4. What about the first premise of the Cosmological Argument (as stated by Rowe) does he find controversial?
5. State the Principle of Sufficient Reason (PSR).
6. The numbered argument on page 19 is given to support what part of the Cosmological Argument (as stated by Rowe)?
7. Rowe suggests that even if we accept the possibility of an infinite chain of dependent beings we still need an explanation for what?
8. What are four criticisms of asking for an explanation of the infinite series of dependent beings?
9. What two ways does Rowe mention that someone might try to defend PSR?
10. What is Rowe's final conclusion regarding the Cosmological Argument?