Indicate whether each of the following is a purported fact (F) or opinion (O).
1. To give the Taliban forces a month-long pass makes no sense militarily.   
2. In 1964, Afghani women helped write their country's first constitution.   
3. There are shortages of flu vaccine in many areas and the CDC has urged that the first shots go to the elderly, the chronically ill, health care workers, and various other target groups.  
4. Strip clubs seldom are welcomed with open arms by any community.  
5. Greg Kraft has proven himself time and again, and that should be sufficient to warrant his re-election.  
6. Theme park visitors need sufficient information about individual rides to assess risk and perhaps decide to avoid some.  
7. We in the public health arena should assume that corporate downsizing will be with us for a long time.  
8. Foes of the plan say it costs double the average price per bed of jail facilities in California.  
9. New York officials, particularly Gov. George Pataki, should throw their prestige and authority behind the effort to coordinate the 180 charitable groups involved in the relief effort.  
10. Teacher seniority should not factor into the size of incentive checks each teacher receives.  
11. Manuel weighs more than 150 pounds.  
12. Diet soda tastes bland compared with regular soda.  
13. Diet soda contains less sugar than regular soda contains.  
14. There is life on some other planet somewhere in the universe.  
15. Most people would find this bath water uncomfortably hot.  
16. The lake is too cold for swimming.  
17. Tom Brokaw is better looking than Dan Rather.  
18. Abortion is immoral.  
19. Elvis is alive and living in Pittsburgh.  
20. It's expensive to sail on a cruise ship.  

Indicate whether each of the following are arguments (A) or not arguments (not A).
1. The assassination of human rights attorney Digna Ochoa on Oct. 19 has sparked denunciation from the U.S. State Department, the United Nations and international Human rights groups. In the wake of Ochoa's killing, rights groups in Mexico and abroad accuse President Fox's government of failing to fulfill several key promises. Fox's government announced it was establishing a special government group this week to ensure the protection of human rights workers in Mexico.  
2. The monthly index that measures manufacturing activity in Riverside and San Bernardino counties crashed to its lowest level ever in October, indicating that factories can expect fewer customers, less production, and more worries about whether the region can recover next year. The nation's economy has been weakening since the beginning of the year, but the Inland Empire had escaped much of this fallout. Now it appears that there is no immunity. The aftershocks of Sept. 11 may be psychological, but the crushing toll on the Inland Empire's economy is real.  
3. Theme park rides are designed for a person weighing an average of 175 pounds and falling within certain height limitations. Lap bars, seat belts, and other ride safety devices cannot protect people outside of the ride's design specifications. The ride manufacturers and theme park industry know about the safety limitations of the equipment. Therefore, theme parks should provide park visitors sufficient safety information about individual rides to enable them to assess their risk and should not allow park visitors outside of a ride's design specifications to board.  
4. The current incumbents on the school board have done a good job this past year. The current incumbents are running again. Therefore, the current incumbents should be re-elected.  
5. Strip clubs provide entertainment that cannot be classified as family-oriented or wholesome. Some areas of a town, like Hospitality Lane in San Bernardino, are designed and intended to be family-oriented and wholesome. Therefore, strip clubs should not be allowed to locate in Hospitality Lane in San Bernardino.  
6. If everyone got a flu shot, there would be fewer cases of the flu this season. If there were fewer cases of the flu this season, then there would be fewer cases of confusing flu symptoms with anthrax symptoms. Minimizing the cases of confusion of flu symptoms with anthrax symptoms is desirable. There is currently not enough flu vaccine for everyone to get a flu shot. Therefore, only those most likely to be exposed to anthrax spores should be encouraged to get a flu shot.  
7. Many Afghani women are intelligent adults capable of making, and willing to make, a contribution to the political future of their country. Therefore, any proposal for a post-war government in Afghanistan should include the contributions of at least some Afghani women.  
8. Ramadan is the Islamic holy period of fasting and prayer that stretches for a lunar month starting this year on November 17. Military action by Muslims has continued through Ramadan in the past. It is not known exactly what reaction Muslim nations would have to a non-Muslim nation attacking a Muslim nation during Ramadan.  
9. Muslims have fought during Ramadan before. So, we should continue to attack the Taliban during Ramadan.  
10. Some high-school cheerleading squads use sexually-suggestive movements such as hip-thrusts in their cheers at football games. Chatham County school board in Savannah, GA voted to ban lewd gestures, inappropriate comments, and suggestive or vulgar movements by all student groups in the school district. Many parents of students in Chatham County schools say that the cheerleaders in the district are just doing what cheerleaders have been doing for years.  

Indicate the conclusion of each of the arguments you found above by underlining it.