Re: More Peoples Weekly World commentary

n sisa (
Fri, 05 Dec 1997 02:19:41 -0800

    Socialists never fail to mention their key buzzwords  no matter what topic
they discuss.  "class" ,  "warfare between labor and capital" As if capital and
labor are mutually exclusive when in fact there are instances when labor unions,
and presumably labor unions, realized the fate of the company was their own fate.
  Of course they do not fail to mention race problems. Moscow under Communism was
one of the most racist cities(probably still is). This was despite the presence of
the government funded "Patrice Lamumba University" Patrice was an African leader,
I am not sure if he is still in power, though.

perchance, does anyone know where to get a windows simulator for unix that is
reliable enough to use at an office?

====peace unto all===========
===nesim sisa======