Re: Information sheet thingie

Kevin Dempsey Peterson (
Thu, 18 Dec 1997 00:51:19 -0800

I'll work on it some more tomorrow at work.

"government does more harm than good" - you're right, this isn't
totally agreed upon.  I don't want to try to do complicated moral
arguments, since all I want is something so that people will get an
idea of what libertarianism is, and where to get more information.
How about "the costs of government far outway the benefits, in terms
of lost freedom and economic harm"?  The "drastically less government"
works too.  I'll have to take a look at that section.

More issues - yes, more issues are a good idea.  I can't think of
anything to say about religious freedom, though.  I hate the right on
this issue, don't know the left's position, and since I totally
dispise churches, it'd probably be better if someone else wrote that

"shoot you if you smoke pot" - yeah, stupid phrasing.  I still haven't
thought of a good way to explain the idea that I personally don't have
the right to do what government does, therefore government doesn't
either.  I'd like a good visual example.  Maybe I'll think of

More books - Bergland and Browne are the most common recommendations
for "I know nothing about Libertarianism, and I want to know about
it."  If there's a book that more closely matches the moral rather
than economic arguments against government thatpeople in the club seem
to like better, I'l love to hear of it.

BLU - how about "There is a more discussion oriented group, the
Berkeley Libertarian Union (BLU), that can be reached through Jennie
dal Busco, minerva@uclink4"?  Or, I'll just ask Jennie for a short
description of the group (since I've only been to two meetings)

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