Re: Anti-Militarism Posters?

Daniel C. Burton (
14 Feb 1998 00:33:36 GMT

Almost perfect!  It's not exactly what I was thinking of, but then again,
it's mostly better.  We could use most of that if it could be polished into
a poster form (removing spelling errors and references to the first
person).  We could add a message at the end that says, "This message
brought to you by the Cal Libertarianians, the CAPITALIST extremists
against military intervention.  Interested in learning more?  Come to one
of our weekly meetings...."

We don't actually need to reserve a weekly topic for it.  We can just put
up the message to attract peoples' interest.

The one thing that's maybe wrong with this is that we don't anticipate all
objections.  One is that this war is to make the world/our country a safer
place, that kind of thing.  It also has a remarkable number of the
anti-militarism arguments I was thinking of embedded in it, but one it
doesn't have is that bullying tactics breed hatred towards us as a country
rather than making us safter from enemies and make us a target for
terrorists -- in other words, rather than protecting us from enemies, they
make enemies.

Kevin Dempsey Peterson <peterson@ocf.Berkeley.EDU> wrote in article
> On 12 Feb 1998, Daniel C. Burton wrote:
> >I like Seth's idea about copying the ISO topics, or it least how it
> >help us mirror current events.  I especially think we should take
> >of this latest Iraq crisis before it explodes and use it as an
> >to show some of our colors on non-economic issues.  The ISO has a bunch
> How about:
> Nyah, nyah, my missle is bigger than yours!