Re: Anti-Militarism Posters?

Daniel C. Burton (
14 Feb 1998 20:22:19 GMT

Kevin Dempsey Peterson <peterson@ocf.Berkeley.EDU> wrote in article

> Well, yes, it needs some brushing up, but I think the "War is for
> children who can't negociate; isn't it time we grew up (as a
> civilization)" argument is the most emotionally appealling argument from
> the libertarian point of view.

Alright, so let's go ahead with that.

> The "breed hatred" argument is probably the strongest, but it isn't all
> that emotionally appealling.  I'm sure there are complicated economic
> analyses that show that, yes, war is a bad idea.  It's hard to explain,
> though.  It would be good if anyone who knows a good rational argument
> start writing it, with the intention of submitting it as a guest
> editorial to the Daily Cal when (if? not likely from my reading of
> newspaper headlines) we do invade Iraq again.  Ideally, we want to be
> set to submit it within a day or two of war being decided on, so that
> it's the biggest thing in the news, but before the war hysteria
> convinces everyone that we are fighting the evil Iraqis (and Minitru is
> working overtime to erase all references to the cold war...) and that
> our ends are just and necessary.

Unfortunately that is one of the few issues I haven't considered very
extensively.  I've been improving my arguing skills and understanding in a
few weak spots lately, including free trade and open borders, but I haven't
gotten to that yet.

Unless someone else is really good at this type of thing, we might want to
invent in the Advocates for Self Government's "From Militarist to
Libertarian" communicator tape.