Why We Should Say No to the IMF

Daniel C. Burton (dan@autobahn.org)
24 Feb 98 03:46:17 GMT

Come hear an audio presentation, "Why We Should Say No to the IMF" at the
next meeting of the Cal Libertarians.  It will be on Wednesday, February
25th, at 7:00 P.M. in 206 Dwinelle Hall.  (The actual beginning of the
meeting will be at 6:30.)

The tape features Senator Lauch Faircloth (R-N.C.); Allan Meltzer, Carnegie
Mellon University; and Ian Vásquez, Cato Institute.  The International
Monetary Fund is asking the United States for $18 billion, even after the
IMF failed to warn about Asia’s financial crisis.  But members of Congress,
academia, and the public increasingly question the fund’s ability to deal
with economic emergencies--and the necessity of its doing so.  Senator
Faircloth will challenge the wisdom and fairness of bailing out governments
and investors in Asia.  Professor Meltzer will discuss how the IMF helped
cause and intensify a crisis whose roots lie in misguided Asian policies.
He and Mr. Vásquez explain why market solutions are superior to and less
costly than IMF solutions.