Re: BAMN activities for April 1, and ballot props

Kevin Dempsey Peterson (peterson@ocf.Berkeley.EDU)
Mon, 30 Mar 1998 15:01:22 -0800

On 29 Mar 1998, Seth David Schoen wrote:

>BAMN is also noting that Ron Unz, the sponsor of Proposition 227, is supposed
>to be speaking here on April 1 (co-incidentally).  While I do oppose Prop. 227,
>I don't agree with BAMN that it is "racist" or an attempt to be oppressive;
>I just think it's a mistake.  I think it might be very interesting to hear
>Unz, given that bilingual education is going to be an interesting issue

I'm curious why you oppose 227.  I don't like deciding school policy by
democracy, but if it comes down to having to vote either for bilingual
education or against it, I'd vote to get rid of long term bilingual
education as I think that's the best choice for the students.  I don't
know prop. 227 very well.  WHat is the current state of things, and how
exactly would 227 change things?