Deities and Immortals

Commentary from the sage in the Cage, who's all the rage:
It is difficult to obtain information about the deities themselves. Occasionally a deity will volunteer information about themselves or
another deity, but most onfo comes from watching priests and their rituals. No deity will willingly reveal that they are untrustworthy,
since they want followers.

Deities have worshippers. The mind of a deity is vast, and could contain several viewpoints.

Names: most deities have multiple names in different regions

Dividing line between immortals and gods:
It is quite difficult to determine, since the gods are called immortals by some people. There may not be a dividing line, since they may be one and the same. Since the agents of the gods are immortal, they are occasionally called immortals. The difference may be bassed on power, but also status, in that immortals work for gods. Perhaps they are all immortals, but not all gods. Often immortals do not have followers, or have small groups of followers. The discussion is somewhat academic, since it doesn't appear to make a difference. Except in the terminology of course.

Both gods and immortals appear to be limited in what actions they can perform on the prime material plane, including Mystara. They are under no such restriction on the outer planes, since means the gods are much closer to us here. I suspect if a god wanted to, they could wipe everything living thing off the face of the cage, in an eyeblink. That they haven't either means that they are restrained by other rules, or they have a sense of humor. The rules may be imposed from above, which gives rise to the interesting pholosophical question of who is the ultimate power in the universe. Or the rules may just be the equivalent of polite society.

Musings from the author:
Powers may be deities, it's not clear, they may be more primitive things. Rad is a power not a deity.

On gaining immortality, paperman said:
Immortals are less powerful than deities. To reach immortality you need to: