The Alphatian Home System
We were able to get there by going to Norwold and joining the fleet from Alpha down to Oceansend. A magical whirlwind took us to the Alphatian Home System. Apparently this was the working of Alpaks. Charastra said to seek command in Norwold. Alan said that in three months Norwold would be attacked, a fleet will set sail to deal with that attack, make sure you're with it, it will end up
in the Alphatian system.

The Alphatians and Glantrians were different factions who fled from here after a religious war, they were followers of air and fire. The Alphatians escaped on the Rainbow Bridge, over 2000 years ago, the world was destroyed as they fled.

Regards divinations about the center of the circle of worlds in the Alphatian Home system. The priest of Vanya divined that "those of keen wit and keener blade will survive through to the end of time" - presumably Ragnarok or immortality.

The Star Kingdoms: