Trade and Citizenship of Darokin

Safety deposit box:
It costs 50Dg for a magical money transfer from the bank of Darokin to another office. Normally, items in a safety deposit box count as part of their holdings, to go to their heirs after death. Multiple access boxes are fairly common, it's no problem. Tess has removed Grey's access to his safety deposit box.

Transporting pottery up through the dangerous Broken Lands from Coringlain to Glantri is quite profitable.

Darokin Merchant Guild:
To trade in Darokin you must be a member. Membership cost: 2000 gp for foreigners, 1000gp if Darokin. 0.5% of profits. There is a prestige class.

Darokin Citizenship:
Income tax of 5% (8% if income exceeds 100,000 Daros, no foreign income tax). Increase in net worth tax of 5% every 5 years (next is end of 1027). Sales tax is 3%, but this doesn't affect Tess directly.