Why plain text email

Dec 2, 2010

Plain text email is simple

The KISS principle of design states that "unnecessary complexity should be avoided".

When you send a plain text email, your words are conveyed without the bloat of unnecessary formatting.

  • Plain text email keeps focus on the meaning of a message and not the package it comes in.
  • Plain text email conserves mail server resources.
  • Plain text email is quick to send and receive.

Plain text email is universal

Plain text email renders properly in every email client and on every environment and platform, automagically.

  • in graphical email clients and text-based ones
  • on desktops, laptops, tablets, PDAs, and phones

Plain text email meets the recipient's needs, whether that need is a different text size, screen size, or support for text-to-speech.

Plain text email is secure

By definition,

  • plain text emails cannot contain viruses.
  • plain text emails cannot silently track recipients.

Plain text email is also much less likely to be detected as spam by spam filters.

Send plain text email

About.com tells you how.


Plain text email is too restrictive?

I beg to differ. Plain text email is email, plain and simple.

If you want to include photos, graphics, or find formatting absolutely essential, please convey your message through a web page, and send a plain text email that specifies the webpage's URL.

This also avoids unnecessary files from being sent through mail servers and being stored on mail servers. Conserve resources!

questions? comments?

Contact me, preferably by plain text email.