Santa Rosa Chinese Christian Church

1835 W. Steele Lane, Santa Rosa, CA 95403

(707) 762-2277; (707) 571-1748


Both Alison and I(Davy) are currently attending the Santa Rosa Chinese Christian Church. This church is extremely small and definitely has a family feel to it. It is nearly impossible to "fall through the cracks" at this church. If you attend this church, you will be noticed! We began attending this church regularly about a year ago after Alison and I got married and moved up to Santa Rosa area.

This church has been around for a about 7 years, but had great difficulty growing. There are several reasons why we're having so much trouble growing. First of all, there aren't a lot of Chinese in the Santa Rosa area, which is predominantly Caucasian and Hispanic. In fact, according the 2001 U.S. census, Santa Rosa has less than 1% Chinese. Secondly, I don't believe we truly cater to the needs of many Chinese who do live in the area. Many Chinese around here either have Caucasian spouses or do not speak Mandarin. So, those with Caucasian spouses, or Chinese who only speak English received no benefit from attending our church. Hopefully this will all change. Recently, we introduced English translations to our Sunday services, which used to Mandarin only. (Today's date is December 2, 2001)

So far, the translation ministry seems to be working. As of today (12/2/2001), we've had four newcomers who seem to be willing to stay for the long haul. Our long term goal is to start an English ministry, with an English congregation and auxiliary fellowships.

If you are a Christian, and are reading this page right now, I plead with you pray for our church in our time of need. This church is still in its infancy, and requires a lot of nurturing and direction from the Lord. Only the Lord can add to our numbers and grow us into the church He wants us to be.

"...And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved." Acts 2:47

By the way, on occasion, I also lead worship in Chinese. It wasn't always easy learning those praise songs in Chinese. However, currently my greatest passion remains in the translation ministry. We pray that the Lord will add to our numbers daily too!