English Graduate Association at UC-Berkeley
oral examinations: sample lists

These lists are the intellectual property of their authors, who hold copyright. We include them here to help guide you in making your own lists.

A. British

1. Old English: Old English 1.pdf

2. Middle English: Middle English.pdf | Middle English 2.pdf

3. 16th century/Early Renaissance: 16th c British.pdf | 16th c British 2.pdf | 16th c British 3.pdf

4. 17th century/Late Renaissance: 17th c British .pdf | 17th c British 2.pdf |17th c British 3.pdf | 17th c British 4.pdf

5. 18th century/Restoration: 18th c British.pdf | Restoration_and_Early_18th_C..d.pdf

6. 19th century/Victorian: Victorian.pdf | Victorian 2.pdf | Victorian 3.pdf | Victorian 4.pdf

7. 19th century/Romantic:Romantic.pdf | Romantic 2.pdf

8. 20th century/Contemporary: 20th c British.pdf | 20th c British 2.pdf

B. American

1. Puritan/Early American: Early American.pdf

2. 19th century: 19th c. American.pdf | 19th c American 2.pdf | 19th c American 3.pdf

3. 20th century/Contemporary: 20th c American.pdf

C. Third Field

1. Narratology: Narratology 3rd.pdf

2. Addiction: Addiction 3rd.pdf

3. Orality, Anality, Sublimation: Orality 3rd.pdf

4. 17th c Devotional Poetry: 17th c Devotional 3rd.pdf

5. Chicana/o Lit. and Postnational American Studies: Chicano.pdf