
For today

  • Introduction to neural networks with applications.

  • Introduction to convolutional neural networks with applications

  • Introduction to recurrent neural networks with applications.

Artificial Neural networks

  • Artificial Neural Network (ANN) or Neural Network (NN) are supervised machine learning classifiers

  • Based (loosely) on biological neural networks in the brain.

Origins of Neural Networks

  • Brain has many impressive features.

  • Parallelism.

  • Fast computation.

  • Ability to learn and generalize.

  • Simple operations are very complicated.

Origins of neural networks

  • Neural networks were designed to mimic the way the brain processes information.

  • Developmental periods: 1940s: Mcculloch and Pitts: Initial works 1960s: Rosenblatt: perceptrons, simple single layer NNs 1960s: Minsky and Papert: limitations of perceptrons 1980s: Hopfield/Werbos and Rumelhart: Hopfield's energy approach/back-propagation learning algorithm

Biological neural networks

Biological neural networks

  • Signal reaches a synapse: releases chemicals called neurotransmitters

  • Cerebral cortex: a large flat sheet of neurons about 2 to 3 mm thick and 2200cm , \(10^{11}\) neurons

  • Duration of impulses between neurons: milliseconds and the amount of information sent is also small(few bits)

  • Critical information are not transmitted directly , but stored in interconnections

  • Connectionist model initiated from this idea.

Mucollough-Pitts model

Neural networks overview

Neural networks overview

Feedforward networks

Activation functions

Feedforward example

Learning in neural networks: backpropagation

  • How are weights estimated?

  • Algorithm known as backpropagation – combination of stochastic gradient descent and use of the chain rule.

Learning in neural networks: backpropagation algorithm

  1. Random initialization of weights for inputs.

  2. Estimation of predicted values and calculation of the cost function: \(E = \frac{1}{2} \sum_{i=1}^{N} ||y_{i}-\hat{y}_{i}||^{2}\)

  3. Estimate gradient of each weight in the network wrt to the cost function: \(\nabla E = \left(\frac{\partial E}{\partial w_{1}}, \frac{\partial E}{\partial w_{2}} , \cdots \right)\)

  4. Update the weights in the direction of the negative gradient \(-\gamma\frac{\partial E}{\partial w_{i}}\) with learning rate \(\gamma\) and repeat.

Backpropagation learning

General applications

  • Digital charachter recognition.

  • Image compression.

  • Stock market prediction.

  • Medical diagnoses etc.

Social science applications

  • Any supervised learning problem.

  • Predicting elections.

  • Text classification.

  • Time series prediction.

Neural Networks in R: Predicting Breast Cancer

# Wisconsin Breast Cancer Database
## [1] 699  11
## [1] "benign"    "malignant"
##        Id Cl.thickness Cell.size Cell.shape Marg.adhesion Epith.c.size
## 1 1000025            5         1          1             1            2
## 2 1002945            5         4          4             5            7
## 3 1015425            3         1          1             1            2
## 4 1016277            6         8          8             1            3
## 5 1017023            4         1          1             3            2
## 6 1017122            8        10         10             8            7
##   Bare.nuclei Bl.cromatin Normal.nucleoli Mitoses     Class
## 1           1           3               1       1    benign
## 2          10           3               2       1    benign
## 3           2           3               1       1    benign
## 4           4           3               7       1    benign
## 5           1           3               1       1    benign
## 6          10           9               7       1 malignant

Neural Networks in R: Predicting Breast Cancer

# Wisconsin Breast Cancer Database
##        Id Cl.thickness Cell.size Cell.shape Marg.adhesion Epith.c.size
## 1 1000025            5         1          1             1            2
## 2 1002945            5         4          4             5            7
## 3 1015425            3         1          1             1            2
## 4 1016277            6         8          8             1            3
## 5 1017023            4         1          1             3            2
## 6 1017122            8        10         10             8            7
##   Bare.nuclei Bl.cromatin Normal.nucleoli Mitoses     Class
## 1           1           3               1       1    benign
## 2          10           3               2       1    benign
## 3           2           3               1       1    benign
## 4           4           3               7       1    benign
## 5           1           3               1       1    benign
## 6          10           9               7       1 malignant

Neural Networks in R: Predicting Breast Cancer

Remove missing data

apply(BreastCancer,2,function(x) sum(is.na(x)))
##              Id    Cl.thickness       Cell.size      Cell.shape 
##               0               0               0               0 
##   Marg.adhesion    Epith.c.size     Bare.nuclei     Bl.cromatin 
##               0               0              16               0 
## Normal.nucleoli         Mitoses           Class 
##               0               0               0

Divide the data into test and training (75/25)

index <- sample(1:nrow(BreastCancer),round(0.75*nrow(BreastCancer)))

Cancer<-ifelse(BreastCancer$Class == "malignant", 1,0)

Prepare the data for neural network analysis

Scaling is the most important thing to do

data<-data.matrix(BreastCancer[,2:10]) # transforms to numeric
maxs <- apply(data, 2, max) 
mins <- apply(data, 2, min)

scaled <- scale(data, center = mins, scale = maxs - mins)

trainX <- data.frame(scaled[index,])
testX <- data.frame(scaled[-index,])

Train the neural network in R

n <- names(trainX)
f<-paste(n,collapse = " + ")
f <- as.formula(paste("trainY~",f))
nn <- neuralnet(f,data=trainX,
                hidden = c(3), 
                act.fct = "logistic")

Train the neural network in R

Predict data on test set

pr.nn <- compute(nn,testX)
##              [,1]
## 1  0.003779671987
## 3  0.003779722914
## 19 1.003092096916
## 29 0.003779723021
## 31 0.003779722951
## 32 0.003779722985
  • these are the predicted values of the test set

  • These need to be transformed into predictions

Create confusion matrix and calculate accuracy, specificity and sensitivity

predictions<-ifelse(pr.nn$net.result > .5, 1,0)
confusion = table(testY,predictions)
##      predictions
## testY   0   1
##     0 106   5
##     1   4  56

Create confusion matrix and calculate accuracy, specificity and sensitivity

## [1] 0.9473684211
## [1] 0.954954955
## [1] 0.9333333333

Image classification and convolutional neural networks

  • A special type of neural network called convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are very useful for image classification.

  • To understand how they work, we must understand what an image is.

How does a computer see an image?

Images represented as a matrix of pixels.

  • Each image is represented in a machine as a matrix of pixels.

  • Entries of each matrix contain pixel intensity values which are integers that range in numbers from [0,255].

Color images are represented as three matrices of pixel intensity values

  • One for each channel: Red, Green and Blue.

Black and white images are represented as three matrices of pixel intensity values

Image classification

  • Past approached to image classification involved detecting geometry in images.

  • Cubes, facial features etc.

Viola-jones algorithm & haarcascades for detecting faces.

Generally very difficult to detect other object in images.

  • Because of occlusions, differences in lighting, deformations etc, it is very difficult to detect features in images.

  • Requires answering the Platonic question: what is a chair? What is a car etc.

Data driven methods

  • With better computing power and more, data we can successfully classify images using only the pixel data.

  • Convolutional neural networks, which convolve (slide) the classifier across the pixel data, have been found to be most successful

Convolutional neural networks

Convolutional Neural Networks Tutorial in R: Predicting Race