
For today

  • Getting the most out of topic modeling.

  • Multidimensional scaling of texts.

  • Introduction to Computer Vision and Image Analysis

Getting the most out of topic models

  • Topic models give us two types of outputs that allow us to do many things.

  • Output 1: topics in a corpus.

  • Output 2: topic proportions for each document.

Topics in a corpus - corpus structure

  • Estimating a topic model over a corpus allows us to get a sense of how a set of docs are structured.

  • Let's do an example with the Associated Press articles

Associated press articles

## <<DocumentTermMatrix (documents: 2246, terms: 10473)>>
## Non-/sparse entries: 302031/23220327
## Sparsity           : 99%
## Maximal term length: 18
## Weighting          : term frequency (tf)
ap_lda <- LDA(AssociatedPress, k = 5, control = list(seed = 1234))

# Getting the most out of topic models.

terms(ap_lda, k=10) # top 10 words for each topic
##       Topic 1      Topic 2      Topic 3   Topic 4  Topic 5     
##  [1,] "percent"    "bush"       "million" "i"      "government"
##  [2,] "year"       "soviet"     "new"     "people" "police"    
##  [3,] "million"    "president"  "company" "two"    "court"     
##  [4,] "billion"    "i"          "market"  "police" "people"    
##  [5,] "new"        "united"     "stock"   "years"  "two"       
##  [6,] "report"     "states"     "billion" "new"    "state"     
##  [7,] "last"       "new"        "percent" "three"  "case"      
##  [8,] "years"      "house"      "year"    "city"   "years"     
##  [9,] "workers"    "dukakis"    "york"    "like"   "south"     
## [10,] "department" "government" "dollar"  "school" "attorney"

Let's name topics 1-5

terms(ap_lda, k=15) # top 10 words for each topic
##       Topic 1      Topic 2      Topic 3   Topic 4    Topic 5     
##  [1,] "percent"    "bush"       "million" "i"        "government"
##  [2,] "year"       "soviet"     "new"     "people"   "police"    
##  [3,] "million"    "president"  "company" "two"      "court"     
##  [4,] "billion"    "i"          "market"  "police"   "people"    
##  [5,] "new"        "united"     "stock"   "years"    "two"       
##  [6,] "report"     "states"     "billion" "new"      "state"     
##  [7,] "last"       "new"        "percent" "three"    "case"      
##  [8,] "years"      "house"      "year"    "city"     "years"     
##  [9,] "workers"    "dukakis"    "york"    "like"     "south"     
## [10,] "department" "government" "dollar"  "school"   "attorney"  
## [11,] "federal"    "campaign"   "bank"    "time"     "last"      
## [12,] "prices"     "party"      "inc"     "just"     "trial"     
## [13,] "program"    "committee"  "trading" "children" "judge"     
## [14,] "government" "congress"   "corp"    "first"    "officials" 
## [15,] "oil"        "reagan"     "share"   "day"      "prison"

Which documents were in which topics?

  • This gives us a NxK matrix of the topic proportions for each documents
posterior_inference <- posterior(ap_lda)
posterior_topic_dist<-posterior_inference$topics # This is the distribution of topics for each document
## [1] 2246    5

Which documents were in which topics?

  • It's easy to find which documents had the highest probability for topic 2
topic_2_docs<-which(posterior_topic_dist[,2] > 0.50)
##  [1]  2  6  8 13 14 18 27 32 39 50

Let's look at some of the words in two documents from the same topic

ap_td <- tidy(AssociatedPress)
wordcloud(sample(ap_td[ap_td$document==6,]$term,10), xlab = "Document 6")
## Warning in wordcloud(sample(ap_td[ap_td$document == 6, ]$term, 10), xlab =
## "Document 6"): strongman could not be fit on page. It will not be plotted.
## Warning in wordcloud(sample(ap_td[ap_td$document == 6, ]$term, 10), xlab =
## "Document 6"): achieve could not be fit on page. It will not be plotted.

Let's look at some of the words in two documents from the same topic

wordcloud(sample(ap_td[ap_td$document==8,]$term,10), xlab = "Document 8")
## Warning in wordcloud(sample(ap_td[ap_td$document == 8, ]$term, 10), xlab =
## "Document 8"): democratic could not be fit on page. It will not be plotted.
## Warning in wordcloud(sample(ap_td[ap_td$document == 8, ]$term, 10), xlab =
## "Document 8"): growing could not be fit on page. It will not be plotted.

What % of documents fall under each topic?

  • To understand more about a corpus we might be interested in what % of documents fall under each topic.

  • This is especially useful for understanding things like news coverage.

  • Here, we can find out (roughly), what % of Associated Press articles are in each topic.

How much coverage did the Associated Press devote to each topic?


Topics<-c("Topic 1", "Topic 2","Topic 3","Topic 4","Topic 5")

Document similarity

\[ document-similarity = \sum_{k=1}^{K}\left(\sqrt{\theta_{d,k}} + \sqrt{\theta_{f,k}}\right)^2 \] - Topic proportions from topic models can also be used to compare documents by how similar they are.

Document similarity function

    (sqrt(doc1) + sqrt(doc2))^2

Using topic proportions, calculate AP article similarity

  • Let's figure out which article is most similar to article 1.

for(i in 2:dim(posterior_topic_dist)[1]){
      doc_similarity(posterior_topic_dist[1,], posterior_topic_dist[i,]))

## [1] 1523

Using topic proportions, calculate AP article similarity

  • It seems as if article 1523 is the most similar.

  • What words does it have?

Using topic proportions, calculate AP article similarity

par(mfrow = c(1,2))
## Warning in wordcloud(sample(ap_td[ap_td$document == 1, ]$term, 10)):
## classroom could not be fit on page. It will not be plotted.
## Warning in wordcloud(sample(ap_td[ap_td$document == 1, ]$term, 10)): family
## could not be fit on page. It will not be plotted.
## Warning in wordcloud(sample(ap_td[ap_td$document == 1, ]$term, 10)): shot
## could not be fit on page. It will not be plotted.
## Warning in wordcloud(sample(ap_td[ap_td$document == 1, ]$term, 10)): susan
## could not be fit on page. It will not be plotted.
## Warning in wordcloud(sample(ap_td[ap_td$document == 1523, ]$term, 10)):
## efforts could not be fit on page. It will not be plotted.
## Warning in wordcloud(sample(ap_td[ap_td$document == 1523, ]$term, 10)):
## knows could not be fit on page. It will not be plotted.
## Warning in wordcloud(sample(ap_td[ap_td$document == 1523, ]$term, 10)):
## working could not be fit on page. It will not be plotted.
## Warning in wordcloud(sample(ap_td[ap_td$document == 1523, ]$term, 10)):
## criticism could not be fit on page. It will not be plotted.
## Warning in wordcloud(sample(ap_td[ap_td$document == 1523, ]$term, 10)):
## teaching could not be fit on page. It will not be plotted.

Document clustering and multidimensional scaling

  • We are often interested in finding out how similar a set of documents are for a variety of reasons.

  • May be interested in identifying latent features of document.

  • May be interested in scoring documents to see how these scores relate to other features of the documents.

Hierarchical Clustering (HC)

  • As the name suggest HC builds a hierarchy of clusters.

  • Two types of hierarchical clustering:

  1. Agglomerative - "Bottom up". Each observation has its own unique cluster, clusters are merged based on distance metrics.

  2. Divisive - "Top down" - each observation is assumed to be in its own cluster and clusters are broken apart.

Hierarchical clustering algorithm

  • HC, like multidimensional scaling, is a clustering method that is based on some measure of "distance" between two observations.

  • Algorithm proceeds by grouping observations by distance.

Types of distance


\[\|x_{1}-x_{2} \|_2 = \sqrt{\sum_i (x_{1i}-x_{2i})^2}\]

Types of distance

Squared Eudlidean

\[\|x_{1}-x_{2} \|_2^2 = \sum_i (x_{1i}-x_{2i})^2\]

Types of distance


\[\|x_{1}-x_{2} \|_1 = \sum_i |x_{1i}-x_{2i}|\]

  • etc

Linkage criterion and dendrograms

  • Hierarchical clustering proceeds by clustering observations based on linkage criterion.

  • This is essentially the maximum distance between sets of observations.

  • Ward's criterion proceeds by creating clusters based on within-cluster variance minimization.

  • This is what we use below to cluster Trump's tweets

Clustering with the Iris Dataset

## Warning in dist(iris): NAs introduced by coercion
#run hierarchical clustering using Ward’s method
clusters <- hclust(d,method="ward.D")
# Plot the dendrogram to figure out how many clusters
plot(clusters, hang=-1)

Clustering with the Iris Dataset

  • Clear separation between each species

First 100 of Trumps tweets

# Create a distance object using the dtm
#run hierarchical clustering using Ward’s method
clusters <- hclust(d,method="ward.D")
# Plot the dendrogram to figure out how many clusters
plot(clusters, hang=-1)

Interpreting the dendrogram

  • Looking at the dendrogram, we have to figure out how many clusters there are based on how well the tree separates.

Dendrogram of Trump's Tweets

plot(clusters, hang=-1,main="Dendrogram of Trump's Tweets")

Label documents

  • Looks like we have two well separated clusters here.

  • We can now label the documents by cutting the tree.

##  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 
##  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1

Label documents


What do these clusters look like?


Multidimensional Scaling

  • There are occasions in which we might be interested in scoring documents on how similar they are.

  • This can be done by performing multidimensional scaling on the Document-Term Matrix.

Multidimensional Scaling of Members of Congress

Multidimensional Scaling of Members of Congress

  • This is accomplished by collapsing the matrix of roll call votes

  • Members of Congress are rows (observations)

  • Bills voted on are columns.

Multidimensional Scaling

  • Like hierarchical clustering, scoring based on distance between observations

  • Researcher must chose the number of dimensions they belive the data fall along.

Multidimensional Scaling

d <- dist(dtm_mat) # euclidean distances between the rows
fit <- cmdscale(d,eig=TRUE, k=2) # k is the number of dim
fit # view results
## $points
##             [,1]          [,2]
## 1   -0.109514564 -0.1645042703
## 2   -0.442949095 -0.4960486696
## 3   -0.837521872 -0.8659574302
## 4   -0.608086405 -0.0970066432
## 5   -1.102867856 -1.1016083832
## 6   -0.724936662 -0.8169614035
## 7   -0.511169283 -0.4561615039
## 8   -0.192213224 -0.2468884902
## 9   -0.540490306 -0.3541473328
## 10  -0.197609572 -0.2739829020
## 11  -0.305545899 -0.3306166888
## 12  -0.036719257 -0.0080872906
## 13   0.198144897  0.2144453488
## 14  -0.453019233 -0.6312600792
## 15   0.942690568  0.1217700976
## 16  -0.107850542  0.9039900031
## 17   0.812430590  0.9586734290
## 18   0.136668509  1.2136884719
## 19   2.524500400 -0.9470032759
## 20  -0.032135534  0.9251504344
## 21   0.039872738 -0.1665159093
## 22  -0.278654347  0.3406534790
## 23   1.472442907 -0.6441975873
## 24  -0.054083716 -0.2245602515
## 25  -0.166526559 -0.1568424456
## 26  -0.143283609  0.5718079263
## 27   0.079930283  0.8435121480
## 28   0.388767120 -0.1604193262
## 29  -0.239730197  1.2769651927
## 30   1.457873398 -0.7090279713
## 31  -0.030729702 -0.1498532818
## 32  -0.888416260 -1.0361411273
## 33  -0.660291595 -0.5248479180
## 34  -0.169750981  0.9006137152
## 35   0.012414911  1.7097589527
## 36  -0.144941258  0.8178215705
## 37  -0.178302379  0.2274335631
## 38  -0.937548019 -1.1090456650
## 39   1.845928626 -0.8503936835
## 40  -0.020844638  0.6858900874
## 41  -0.162889312 -0.3280361374
## 42  -0.255717851 -0.3713366152
## 43  -0.948105238 -1.1033829867
## 44   0.039148090  0.6375745427
## 45  -0.457655471 -0.6466236538
## 46  -1.053201959 -0.6295670366
## 47   0.049648069 -0.1546592396
## 48   0.047486733  0.8144082865
## 49   0.061730094  0.1316096120
## 50  -0.030365597 -0.1624289641
## 51  -0.092876844  0.9788446336
## 52   0.039059673  0.7339423083
## 53   0.001154749  0.8943415458
## 54  -0.833113949 -0.7532062116
## 55  -0.267791423  1.2656499795
## 56  -0.697207526  0.1508921500
## 57   0.107105048 -0.4298716804
## 58   0.335362800  0.0021570705
## 59   1.497380323 -0.7266736197
## 60   1.507368853  0.0261593949
## 61  -0.325378062  0.8231606009
## 62  -0.140107109  0.4643170541
## 63  -0.159269531  0.2926661125
## 64   1.657569240 -0.7573984104
## 65   0.055817572 -0.0009525842
## 66   0.035148691  0.6214167227
## 67   0.096433781  0.1218501419
## 68   0.715643217 -0.1776254469
## 69   0.118522049 -0.3642100233
## 70  -0.024650314  0.1865721952
## 71   1.821510830 -0.8526321165
## 72  -0.049562494  0.3223530970
## 73   1.189023893 -0.5355078323
## 74  -0.059303771  0.6614964396
## 75  -0.005729447 -0.1762334642
## 76  -0.011712623  0.0220981623
## 77  -0.099771179 -0.0040304081
## 78   0.174848049  0.6704131625
## 79  -1.014007242 -1.3808579586
## 80  -0.332241034 -0.3514666609
## 81  -0.347813928 -0.3023879284
## 82  -0.195247120  0.9611058186
## 83  -0.025371219  0.5903325980
## 84  -0.020754135  0.9125767107
## 85  -0.125498445  0.1166766763
## 86  -0.824117675 -1.0556502667
## 87  -0.629956669  0.4074952973
## 88  -0.917737223 -0.8471116441
## 89  -0.394559336 -0.0593205884
## 90  -0.036602800  0.0106188929
## 91  -0.057910973 -0.0038961750
## 92  -0.145871210  0.2327355335
## 93  -0.037352786  1.0030126125
## 94   0.937586850 -0.4185732040
## 95  -0.723968204 -0.3711360408
## 96  -0.351191771 -0.4692103411
## 97  -0.067190852  0.8403889182
## 98   0.260718788 -0.1538084099
## 99   0.424178117 -0.2274740762
## 100  0.953424429 -0.2716914353
## $eig
##   [1] 4.471857e+01 4.249156e+01 3.610639e+01 3.529791e+01 2.972349e+01
##   [6] 2.882576e+01 2.517096e+01 2.438209e+01 2.337195e+01 2.262643e+01
##  [11] 2.220507e+01 2.105077e+01 2.042574e+01 1.971799e+01 1.943795e+01
##  [16] 1.892194e+01 1.785974e+01 1.743737e+01 1.697382e+01 1.681501e+01
##  [21] 1.621299e+01 1.590442e+01 1.568502e+01 1.538055e+01 1.513455e+01
##  [26] 1.466049e+01 1.453625e+01 1.405817e+01 1.390721e+01 1.366779e+01
##  [31] 1.327558e+01 1.302643e+01 1.277306e+01 1.234326e+01 1.204553e+01
##  [36] 1.188556e+01 1.160865e+01 1.153547e+01 1.117040e+01 1.101355e+01
##  [41] 1.083553e+01 1.050162e+01 1.038432e+01 1.035352e+01 1.022762e+01
##  [46] 1.005158e+01 9.894444e+00 9.775085e+00 9.606719e+00 9.554553e+00
##  [51] 9.446657e+00 9.315596e+00 9.240618e+00 9.137575e+00 8.871197e+00
##  [56] 8.663607e+00 8.548609e+00 8.339425e+00 8.215678e+00 8.025499e+00
##  [61] 7.836584e+00 7.669669e+00 7.574135e+00 7.461736e+00 7.311643e+00
##  [66] 7.118010e+00 7.091135e+00 6.794390e+00 6.769507e+00 6.607851e+00
##  [71] 6.440378e+00 6.418518e+00 6.295144e+00 6.072078e+00 6.000771e+00
##  [76] 5.868632e+00 5.719767e+00 5.594842e+00 5.452148e+00 5.410268e+00
##  [81] 5.057579e+00 5.024931e+00 4.945905e+00 4.871613e+00 4.648680e+00
##  [86] 4.573926e+00 4.447906e+00 4.351145e+00 4.063875e+00 3.899965e+00
##  [91] 3.838825e+00 3.626396e+00 3.386404e+00 3.273121e+00 2.891540e+00
##  [96] 2.764230e+00 2.711292e+00 2.424566e+00 9.459804e-01 1.705928e-14
## $x
## $ac
## [1] 0
## $GOF
## [1] 0.07481803 0.07481803

Plot first and second dimensions

Dim1 <- fit$points[,1]
Dim2 <- fit$points[,2]

plot(Dim1, Dim2, xlab="First Dimension", ylab="Second Dimensions", 
  main="Metric  MDS",   type="n")
text(Dim1, Dim2, labels = row.names(dtm_mat), cex=.7)