So that
Children might hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ ...
Our Mission
Welcome to DombaKecil.org, where children are our
passion! We want to personally invite you to the
biggest & best Children’s Conference this side of the
Pacific, the 2nd
Children’s Workers Conference, February 3 & 4,
2012, in Jakarta, Indonesia! Call +62(21) 560-2630 to
reserve your place in this life changing event! We’ll
all learn how to find our “PASSION ”

Click Here for complete details on speakers,
vendors, and accommodations!
Contact Information
- Yayasan Domba Kecil
Jl. Tanjung Duren Utara III E/236, Jakarta Barat 11470 - Indonesia
Tel. +62(21) 560-2630, 566-8931 Fax.
+62(21) 566-8962
General Information: