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Orange County History: Bibliography

Emmons, Steve. Orange County: A History and Celebration. Los Angeles, CA: Times Mirror, Inc., 1988; Publisher: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 100 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10011. ISBN 0-8109-1426-3

Graebner, Janet. Orange County: An Economic Celebration. Chatsworth, CA: Windsor Publications, Inc., 1988.

Gilbert, Eugene. Orange County's Past in Pencil. Santa Ana, CA: First American Title Insurance Company, 1974.

Hallan-Gibson, Pamela. The Golden Promise: An Illustrated History of Orange County. Northridge, CA: Windsor Publications, Inc., 1986. ISBN 0-89781-160-7. Recently Re-released, in hardcover.

Kilroy, Michael. Orange County Scene: A Look at Orange County's Colorful Past. Berkeley, CA: MacPherson Publishing Co., 1997.

Lee, Ellen. Newport Bay: A Pioneer History. Fullerton, CA: Sultana Press, 1973.

Leon-Callju, Roseanne de. Beautiful America's Orange County. Wilsonville, OR: Beautiful America Publishing Co., 1995. ISBN 0-89802-663-6 or -662-8.

Morgan, Judith and Neil. "Orange, a Most California County." National Geographic, December 1981.

Quill Pen Club. Rawhide and Orange Blossoms: Stories and sketches of early Orange County. Santa Ana, CA: Pioneer Press, 1967; Publisher: Pioneer Press, 301 N. Parton St., Santa Ana, CA 92701.

Parker, C.E. and Marilyn. Orange County: Indians to Industry. Santa Ana, CA: First American Title Insurance Company, 1965.

Pittman, Ruth. Roadside History of California. Missoula, MT: Mountain Press Publishing Company, 1995. ISBN 0-87842-318-4.

Postsuburban California: The Transformation of Orange County Since World War II. Rob Kling, Spencer Olin, and Mark Poster, editors. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1991. ISBN 0-520-06716-9.

Walker, Doris. Orange County, A Centennial Celebration: Sections of Orange. Houston, TX: Pioneer Publications, 1989; Publisher: Pioneer Publications, 12345 Jones Rd., Suite 103, Houston, TX 77070-4843. Lib. of Congress Cat. Card # 88-63391.

Westcott, John. Anaheim: City of Dreams. Chatsworth, CA: Windsor Publications, Inc., 1990.

Created by Kenneth Kao.