Here, you can track shooting performance based on location. First, set the field size and background image. A Controller box will then appear. Input each shot a player makes by clicking in this box. Favorite shooting spots will be shown in the Visualization box.
Set Field Dimensions
This represents the size of the playing field. Both numbers are in pixels. Try it out! The Visualization field will edit in realtime.
Width: Height:
Link an image if you have a specific sport in mind (like basketball).
Set Image URL
Enter any image URL to set as your field. We've provided an example.
Click in this box to enter data points.
Click in the Controller box to input a player's successful shots on goal. Visualization for that round will update in realtime. The Aggregate field is updated after saving round data with a player's name. View aggregate plots by selecting a name from the list at right. Use the buttons above to download data as a .txt file or view JSON.
Note: Only entire rounds can be undone; single clicks cannot. Data is not saved unless you download text or copy/paste JSON.