Original Compositions

Under construction, each song will be added as I find time to clean it up and to enter the intended dynamic and tempo markings

So yeah, I write music (or at least I used to, haven't written much lately). Here's the piano compositions that I've been holding back from my web page for a good 5-6 years. The songs usually fall into 2 categories: Slow and Fast. (^_^)

Pseudo-legal notice (I am not a lawyer, but you better understand my intent): All rights reserved. You may not use these songs in any way without my express written consent. This includes commercial and non-commercial use. Permission is granted for personal listening of these songs.

Translation: You can listen to this at home, or at work, or in the shower, but if you use any of these in a movie or something, I better know!

With that said, if you ask, I'll probably let you use my music, but you MUST ask. Also, if you'd like sheet music, e-mail me and I'll send you a PDF of it.

PTSA Reflections Entries

(Yeah, the Reflections songs have cheesy names; this was when I made the song fit the theme, rather than letting the theme inspire the song.) (Also, let me brag a bit about the awards the songs won!)

Various other songs

Incomplete songs - but still mostly there

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