Last update: 5/08/03 This directory contains the latest Chinese Reviewer character database. The most recent version is always named chinesereview.cdb. To install the database, copy chinesereview.cdb to your "\Program Files\Chinese Reviewer" directory, overwriting the old database. The version that comes with Chinese Reviewer 1.1 comes with lessons 1-15. The latest version has lessons 1-23 and can be downloaded here. Note that the current character database is _NOT_ compatible with Chinese Reviewer 1.0. You must upgrade to Chinese Reviewer 1.1 before loading the new character database. Character Database changelog ----------+---------+--------+--------------------------------------- DATE | LESSONS | WORDS | NOTES ----------+---------+--------+--------------------------------------- 1/03 | 10-13 | | version that comes with 1.0 2/11/03 | 10-15 | 277 | 2/24/03 | 1-15 | 657 | version that comes with 1.1 3/03/03 | 1-17 | 734 | 4/07/03 | 1-19 | 816 | 4/22/03 | 1-21 | 903 | 5/08/03 | 1-23 | 1024 | ----------+---------+--------+---------------------------------------