About me

Who am I?

I am a PhD student in the Department of Communication at Stanford University starting in fall 2006. I graduated in computer science at UC Berkeley in spring 2004, and received my Masters degree in Information Management and Systems from the School of Information, also at UC Berkeley, in spring 2006. Before college I attended Olympus High School, Olympus Junior High, and Cottonwood Elementary School, all in Salt Lake City, Utah. Check out the rest of my site and my blog to learn more about me.

Why "morganya"?

Despite rumors to the contrary, my middle name does not start with "Y." (If you really want to know, it starts with "G." Bet you can't guess what it is!) Morganya is the only widely-used nickname I've had. While most of my friends took French in high school, I took (the immensely more practical, in my opinion) Spanish. One friend duly "Spanishized" my name to Morgaña, or "Morganya." The orchestra conductor picked it up, then my history teacher ... and it stuck. (And it beats "mames" or "morganga" as a username.)

What do I like to do?

I often describe myself as a recovering computer scientist or, alternately, a budding social scientist. From many eclectic interests in high school (I was known as the local biology geek, was among the top scorers in the state math contest, and received scholarships in English and history upon graduation), I swung to the very technical side, studying physics and computer science theory, and then discovered human-computer interaction and, most recently, the area of science, technology and society and other social sciences. My interests may be wide-ranging but I am passionate about them and love to find interdisciplinary relationships.

When I'm not hacking away in cafes or pulling all-nighters for projects, I can often be found ballroom dancing. I was a member and officer of UC Berkeley Ballroom Dancers, which provides all sorts of social and competitive partner dancing opportunities, for six years. I compete in championship International Standard and have been known to dance novice International Latin, though I haven't pursued it competitively since 2003.

I have myriad and sundry other interests.

Where am I from?

Salt Lake City is my hometown. (No, I'm not Mormon.) Despite its dull reputation, there are plenty of interesting nooks and crannies I've discovered there, and it's a mere 15-minute drive from the beautiful Wasatch Mountains. (It was actually a lot of fun to be one of the few flaming liberals in high school, but it probably wouldn't be as fun without a captive audience like that to shock.) I have lived in the San Francisco Bay Area since 1999.

If I'm not Mormon, what am I?

Though my dad's family is Mormon and my Mom's is Catholic, neither my parents nor I am religious. If I had to identify with a religion, I did attend the Unitarian Universalist church for about 6 years as a child.

My ideologies of choice include: Read my blog for more.

I generally get my news at Slashdot, Google News, South Africa's Independent Online, and the inimitable Onion. Sometimes Berkeley's Heuristic Squelch has something newsworthy. Other am-news-ment include the Darwin Awards and Annals of Improbable Research.

Isn't Morgan a guy's name?

My sister and I were named before my parents knew what gender we were. Hence, we both have gender-neutral names. Having a gender-neutral name is very useful sometimes, and it makes sorting junk mail (usually addressed to "Mr. Morgan Ames") very easy. My dad claims I was named after Wyatt Earp's brother, though I don't know whether to believe him or not. :~) To date, I've met approximately equal numbers of male and female Morgans, though like many once-gender-neutral names, it's now being applied more often to female babies than male.