We appreciate the many community based organizations who have agreed to host MOVE fellows at their site and work with the MOVE planning team to ensure a meaningful experiences for student fellows.
Host Organizations for 2022-2023

Asian Health Services Youth Program (AHSYP)
“AHS Youth Program focuses on preventing violence, improving health, and creating young leaders. Located at The Spot Youth Center with the motto, “Ready for the Future,” its services include health education, cultural awareness, job training and college readiness. Learn more about AHS Youth Programs.”

Asian Pacific Islander Legal Outreach (APILO)
“Asian Pacific Islander Legal Outreach, a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, was founded in 1975 as Nihonmachi Legal Outreach to promote the development, empowerment, and self-reliance of the community through the provision of culturally competent and linguistically appropriate legal, social, and educational services to those with extraordinary needs. Through these community-based services, API Legal Outreach works to break the cycle of violence against women, youth and seniors, to advocate for the rights of immigrants and those with disabilities, to promote the dignity and independence of seniors and advocate for the basic rights such as affordable housing and the rights of tenants.”

Banteay Srei
“Banteay Srei is a youth development, asset building organization that is non-judgmental of young SEA women who are at risk of or engaged in sex work. We seek to provide the resources that support their healthy development through self empowerment and self determination.”

Chinese Progressive Association (CPA)
“Founded in 1972, the Chinese Progressive Association educates, organizes and empowers the low income and working class immigrant Chinese community in San Francisco to build collective power with other oppressed communities to demand better living and working conditions and justice for all people.”

New Breath Foundation (NBF)
“The New Breath Foundation offers hope, healing, and new beginnings for Asian American & Pacific Islander (AAPI) new immigrants and refugees, people impacted by incarceration and deportation, and survivors of violence.”

Oakland Asian Cultural Center (OACC)
“OACC builds vibrant communities through Asian and Pacific Islander arts and cultural programs that foster inter-generational and cross-cultural dialogue and understanding, collaboration, and social justice.”