Sven Neth

I’m an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Pittsburgh. Before that, I did my PhD at Berkeley, advised by Lara Buchak, John MacFarlane and Wesley Holliday. Before that, I was an undergraduate at Freie Universität Berlin.

I work on decision theory and formal epistemology. My dissertation was about decision theory for non-ideal agents. I have also written about the idea that we should assign higher probability to simpler hypotheses, reasoning with probability in natural language and accuracy arguments in an infinite setting.

In addition, I’m interested ethics and social choice theory and like to think about Goodman’s ‘New Riddle of Induction' (which I like to explain in very short words).

Send me an e-mail at sven.neth [at] pitt [dot] edu.

You can also find me here: PhilPeople, dept website, arXiv, orcid, PhilSci, GitHub.

