====== Student Area ====== This is a wiki style. You are free to create your page here, keep your note. Please respect each other's contents. You can think of a username (e.g. JohnDoe), and put this in the address line https://courses.wikinana.org/math104/s/JohnDoe Then you should be able to create that page. You can use that page to store your questions. Here are some [[s:tips]] ==== Notice: ==== ** The student area is closed for submission during final and grading period. It will be re-open once the grading is done. Everything submitted before the final (May 12th 9am PT) will be taken into account for the grading purpose. ** ===== List of personal notes ==== * [[s:johndoe]] * [[math104-s21:s:kelvinlee]] * [[math104-s21:s:ryotainagaki]] * [[math104-s21:s:antonthan]] * [[math104-s21:s:kaylenestocking]] * [[math104-s21:s:zoezhang]] * [[math104-s21:s:darembardales|Darem Bardales- Study Guide]] * [[math104-s21:s:genevievebrooks]] * [[math104-s21:s:johndufek]] * [[math104-s21:s:zheyuanhu]] * [[math104-s21:s:rylanbeal]] * [[math104-s21:s:martinzhai]] * [[math104-s21:s:divi]] * [[math104-s21:s:yichendai]] * [[math104-s21:s:owenyeung]] * [[math104-s21:s:ryanpurpura]] * [[math104-s21:s:victoriatuck]] * [[math104-s21:s:dingchengyang]] * [[math104-s21:s:morganmakhina]] * [[math104-s21:s:lylekahney]] * [[math104-s21:s:vpak]] * [[math104-s21:s:thomasdahlke]] * [[math104-s21:s:edwardhe]] * [[math104-s21:s:oscarxu]] * [[math104-s21:s:jodiejepson]] * [[math104-s21:s:noahlee]] * [[math104-s21:s:ahwang]] * [[math104-s21:s:xinyuzhang]] * [[math104-s21:s:xingjiantao]]