Berkeley Quizbowl Pictures
Know Your Enemy!

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Rules explanation for the Watson match at Stanford


The final score for the Watson match. Watson wins, with Berkeley trailing by just $1000!


Left to right: Mason Liang, Tanay Kothari, and Sam Braunfeld.
Berkeley Quiz Bowl answers a Jeopardy question.


Debate over what to say?


The Berkeley Quiz Bowl team along with the Stanford Quiz Bowl team at the Watson match
Left to right: Tanay Kothari, Mason Liang, Sam Braunfeld, Stanford


The backup team for the Watson match, Fall 2011
Left to right: Nick Karas, Derek Chou, Di Xiao

Quiz Bowl Practice

Practice, Fall 2011
Left to right: Sam Braunfeld, Brian Alford, Di Xiao, Gilbert

2004-2006 or so


The Berkeley Quiz Bowl team receives its trophy for capturing the Division I Overall championship at the 2006 NAQT Intercollegiate Championship Tournament.
Left to right: Paul Lujan, David Farris, NAQT president R. Robert Hentzel, Jeff Hoppes, Brendan Shapiro.
See the full-size photo here.

ACF Nationals 2005

Berkeley Quiz Bowl team with Chancellor

Members of the Berkeley Quiz Bowl team with Chancellor Birgeneau after their 3rd place finish at the 2005 ACF National Championship.
Left to right: Ray Luo, Jerry Vinokurov, Jeff Hoppes, Chancellor Robert Birgeneau, and Larry Wang.
See the full-size photos here and here.

WIT 2004 (October 16, 2004) — click for full-sized versions

Lunch at WIT 2004
A bunch of people getting lunch. Front row: Ray Luo, Paul Reverdy, Lev Trubov, Martha Matsumoto, Larry Wang, and Chris Nguyen. Standing in back: Jon Pennington and Richard and Maribeth Mason of Caltech. Ex-Berkeley player Selene Koo of Chicago is visible at the left, and Jerry Vinokurov and Seth Teitler have their backs to the people in the front.
WIT 2004
Chris Nguyen, Martha Matsumoto, Lev Trubov, and Paul Reverdy.
WIT 2004
Larry Wang and Sydney Long.

Practice from some unknown time circa 2004 — click for full-sized versions

Quizbowl practice
A backpack blazes with the fire of a thousand suns as Ray Luo reads to the two competing sides.
Quizbowl practice
Yi Zhang, Nick Meyer, Kenny Easwaran, Brendan Shapiro, Juliana Froggatt. Also, the back of Seth Teitler's head.
Quizbowl practice
Ray Luo, Salpi Vartivarian, Lev Trubov, Martha Matsumoto, and Seth Teitler.

ACF Nationals 2004

Rst for Knowledge!
Our second place team demonstrates their "rst for knowledge" after beating Chicago A in the round-robin. Click for full-size version.

Mementoes from the 2004 ICT in St. Louis — click for full-sized versions

David Farris's mysterious missive
David Farris's mysterious missive. Apparently, he wants to go birdwatching.
Pillow fight!
War within the ranks!
More pillow fighting!

Various members, possibly from ACF Regionals 2004?

Ashley and Paul R.
Ashley Chow and Paul Reverdy
Freddy, Yi, and Chris
Freddy Gonzales, Yi Zhang, Chris Nguyen
Ray, Kenny, Paul L., and Freddy
Ray Luo, Kenny Easwaran, Paul Lujan, Freddy Gonzales
David and Martha
David Farris (in green shirt in center of door), Martha Matsumoto (in hood)

Various members, possibly from NAQT Sectionals 2004?

Group shot
Ashley Chow (light blue) and Martha Matsumoto (dark blue) in left foreground; Chris Nguyen behind them, and Freddy Gonzales to the right (in camouflage); Lev Trubov in right-center showing school spirit in blue and gold
Brendan Shapiro
Paul R.
Paul Reverdy
Ashley, Freddy, Jerry, and Martha
Ashley Chow, Freddy Gonzales, Jerry Vinokurov, Martha Matsumoto (Chris Nguyen is also visible peeking over Ashley)

2000-2003 or so

Records from this era are spotty at best. Click on an image to see the full-size version.

I have no idea where this next set of images comes from. Possibly BASQUE 2003, or maybe just a random practice sometime around 2003.

Jon, Chris,
Ray, Stephen, David
Jon Pennington, Chris Nguyen, Ray Luo, Stephen Lee, David Farris
Chris, Ray,
Stephen, David, Miguel
Chris Nguyen, Ray Luo, Stephen Lee, David Farris, Miguel Ruiz
Nick, Jerry, Seth,
Ray, Juliana
Nick Meyer, Jerry Vinokurov (writing on board), Seth Teitler, Ray Luo, Juliana Froggatt
Jerry, Nick, Seth,
Jerry Vinokurov (at board), Nick Meyer, Seth Teitler, Ray Luo
Nick, Jerry, Seth,
Ray, Juliana, Paul
Nick Meyer, Jerry Vinokurov (standing at board), Seth Teitler, Ray Luo, Juliana Froggatt, Paul Lujan
Nick, Jerry, Seth,
Ray, Juliana
Nick Meyer, Jerry Vinokurov (standing at board), Seth Teitler, Ray Luo, Juliana Froggatt
David, Miguel
David Farris and Miguel Ruiz
Stephen Lee

at ICT 2003

Most of the Berkeley club after the wildly successful trip to NAQT ICT 2003 at UCLA. Left to right: Ray Luo, Larissa Kelly, Brendan Shapiro, Jeff Hoppes, David Farris, Matt Levine, Kenny Easwaran, Jon Pennington, Nick Meyer, Devang Parekh, Jerry Vinokurov, Juliana Froggatt, Paul Lujan, and Eok Ngo. Missing for some unknown reason is Seth Teitler (possibly the one taking the picture).
At this tournament, with Maribeth Mason of Caltech needed to staff, Nick Meyer accomplished the feat of being the only person to have played in every NAQT ICT since its inception in 1997. (This streak has now sadly ended.)

Jon, and Seth

Left to right: Jeff Hoppes, Jon Pennington, and Seth Teitler prepare to do battle (or possibly have just finished doing battle) at the 2002 ACF Fall tournament.

Juliana, Kenny, and Jerry

Left to right: Eok Ngo shoots laser beams out of his eyes; Juliana Froggatt just sits there; and Kenny Easwaran and Jerry Vinokurov give this Berkeley team the dubious distinction of being the team with the most hair discoloration at the 2002 ACF Fall.

Glorious victory at 2001 Trashionals!

An early image of Berkeley Quizbowl, capturing in all its blurry glory Berkeley's first national triumph. Jon Pennington (far left) and Nick Meyer hold aloft the 2001 ECW National Championship Belt, as Steve Kaplan (blue shirt) and Matt Levine look on.

Ancient Documents — Images of Bygone Times

The exact provenance of these photos is unknown, but they date from before 2000.


At the Marcus Tullius Cicero Certamen:
(back row L to R) Yaraslava, Partha, Arun, Haggai, Nick, Katy, MEB, Jeff, Ben
(front row, Center to R) Linda, Trinh, David L, David W, Andrew

Technophobia 1

The team getting lunch during the Caltech Technophobia I (Nov. 96):
Left to right: Katy, Dave D., Nick, and David F.
This is believed to be the earliest recorded image of in our possession of Nick Meyer's quizbowl career at Berkeley. Note the mustache.

Gaius and women

Gaius Stern is between the two comely lasses, with Phil Huang on the far right.

1996 ACF Regional

The team presents the 1996 ACF Regional Championship to Chancellor Tien (Mar. 96)
pictured: Arun, Rachel B, Haggai, Katy, Chancellor Tien, Matt, Phil
The pagans say Chancellor Tien was 10 feet tall, ate freshmen for breakfast, and could put up 75ppg at ACF Nats. So I've heard.

These next two pictures are from a trip to the Feb. 96 BYU tournament.

Team with snow

(L to R: Phil, David F, Rachel, Gaius, Matt, MEB, Jeff)

Team in lodge

(L to R front: Phil, Matt, David F, MEB, Jeff (standing), Rachel B, Rachel M)
(Note how Rachel Marshak (Stanford) has wormed her way into the picture because she'd rather be a Cal Bear!)