Hello and welcome to my humble abode here at the University of California, Berkeley. I joined the SESAME program in Fall 2009. My background is in electrical engineering and mathematics, meaning that I have a strong passion for the hard sciences, but ultimately I realized I was more interested in helping others understand and appreciate the beauty of mathematics and science rather than actively pursuing research as a mathematician or scientist.

Here you will find the pages for the courses I have taught, including educational materials I've developed. I'm hosting a number of historical pages that I created, such as the FreeBSD Guide, but I've left them with their original formatting to acknowledge the fact that they are somewhat separate from the rest of the content of the site. Finally, I'm including links to various research groups and other professional activities that have been crucial to my professional growth.


Research in Cognition and Mathematics Education

Functions Research Group

Embodied Design Research Laboratory

Colorado State University Department of Mathematics