Welcome to Student Art Publishing!

Our student group is dedicated to promoting the graphic arts in the student body, and to get budding artists recognized by the population. Once a semester (or more if possible) we print a 16-page magazine featuring the art and comics of students around campus. So if you're interested, please read more!

Current News: 09-19-06

So, this new semester is under way, and well, no replacement Adora for operating this website yet, so I'm still punching away at the keyboard. The spring issue is finally up, and Brian, Kimmy, Yunzhi and the rest of the new staff are working on the next one, so join up, everyone!
-Alfred, who is moving up the corporate ladder to Bay Area Artists Unite management.

Alright, alright, been a long time. I, Adora, will be handing over webmaster duties over to Alfred, because I've graduated and not part of the group anymore. So as my final gift to all of you wonderful people, I've updated the site with this semester's issue! (Well, I suppose I should have done that earlier, but school got in the way.)
Also, feel free to send in comic submissions and cover art at any time!

Specifications for Issue Submissions:
Dimensions of artwork should approximate the Golden Ratio rectangle, 1:1.62 width:height. If doing a horizontal half page, 1:0.81. For best results, you can consider working at a size larger than the final printed size (7.5x10) You can email files (300dpi) in TIF (preferred), JPG, or GIF format to sap@ocf.berkeley.edu, or leave in our mailbox in 10 Eshleman.
If e-mailing the file, please make sure you put Bezerk in the subject, and make the file names like this:
Full Name - comic title - chapter - number.tif OR Full Name - comic title - title of strip.tif
So for example: Adora Lo - Comic Like Hell - Chapter 1 - 001.tif
OR: Adora Lo - Comic Like Hell - Where's the plot.tif
Please please PLEASE have your files named like this; it'll make things easier on us.

1) Advertising: This time we're doing this more efficiently, contact Alfred for a list of two businesses to visit.
2) Research Study: The newly opened Experimental Social Science Lab at Haas Business School (xlab.berkeley.edu) has many openings for research studies paying $10-$20. You can sign up for these at the website.
3) Tabling: We will be selling some kind of stuffed animal from our table on Sproul in the future, as well as doing general recruitment.
4) Distribution: For those really not into doing fundraising, there's always distro.

Site Guide
Intro: This page, baby! News, updates, and meetings will be posted here.
Back Issues: Downloadable back issues in Adobe PDF format.
Advertising: Information about advertising in the publication.
Info: General information about the club, contact information, and administrative stuff. Also has archived news & updates.
Join: Information about joining the staff or submitting artwork.
Events: Information about events related to comics and comic culture!
FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions.
Links: Links to comic websites and webcomics.

We're ASUC sponsored!

Hosted by the OCF