Seminar on Financial Futures for UC
October 20, 2009

Today we start looking at alternative plans for the financial future of UC.

Most commonly in people’s minds are two plans:

PLAN A: Restore the generous funding that UC enjoyed from the state of California in the past. This requires major political changes across the state.

PLAN B: Assuming that Plan A will not be achieved, save the quality of UC by various measures of privatization – with rapidly increasing student fees in the lead.

Here are two alternatives, in first draft form, for discussion:

PLAN C  (A Better Plan – 3 pages): A comprehensive set of measures to restore some state funding while making some changes inside UC.

PLAN D (UC Watch – 1 page):  A specific student initiative to oversee certain aspects of UC finances.

Plans C and D are compatible with each other, and also compatible with Plan A.