== Proposed constitutional amendment == Section 2 of the Constitution is amended to read as follows: -------- 2. Members 2.1. General Membership An OCF member is a UC Berkeley student, faculty member, or staff member who: (a) holds an individual OCF account, or (b) is physically present at a general meeting, or (c) has attended at least one general meeting in the current or previous semester, or (d) satisfies other criteria determined by the Decision Making Process. 2.2. Active Membership An active member is an OCF member who has attended at least one general meeting in the current or previous semester, or who is physically present at a general meeting. 2.3. Inactive Membership Any OCF member who is not an active member is an inactive member. -------- Motivation: The current constitution: http://docs.ocf.berkeley.edu/wiki/Constitution_of_the_Open_Computing_Facility does not define what a "member" of the OCF is, even though other definitions depend on it. This amendment is intended to clarify. == Draft bylaws == The Bylaws are amended to read as follows: -------- 1. The General Manager and the Site Managers cannot appoint directors except when the OCF is not formally in session and the Board of Directors cannot achieve quorum because there are fewer than five directors in town. 2. The OCF Board of Directors shall meet at least once every two weeks while the OCF is formally in session. 3. Any Director appointed to the Board by the Decision Making Process missing two consecutive regularly scheduled Board meetings will be removed from the Board, regardless of whether the meetings achieve quorum. 4. OCF Board meetings must be announced to all Directors at least twenty-four hours in advance. 5. Resolutions by the Board of Directors can be put to a vote electronically via any medium which satisfies all of the following criteria: * the medium is defined by open standards; * all Board members can be contacted via the medium; * all Board members can submit votes via the medium; * the results of the vote can be electronically archived for future access. When putting a resolution to the Board in this manner, all Board members must be included in the request for votes. Votes must be submitted via the same medium by which the request for votes is sent. To pass a resolution this way, a majority of all the Board members must agree. If the motion fails to achieve a majority within seventy-two hours of being called to such a vote, the motion fails. The results of the vote will be posted in roll call form. 6. Attendance lists and minutes for all OCF meetings shall be maintained for the decisions of that meeting to be valid. 7. A Board appointment takes effect at 12:01 AM of the day after the conclusion of the meeting at which the election took place, unless the appointment occurred at an Elections Meeting. 8. The Board may amend these bylaws in any manner consistent with the constitution and the bylaws promulgated by the membership. Levels of the Decision Making Process subordinate to the Board may not amend these bylaws. 9. Whenever these bylaws are amended, an annotation of the date of amendment shall be added to the beginning of this document. The date of amendment and the amending authority shall be noted immediately following the amendment. -------- Motivation: There were several points at which the current bylaws: http://docs.ocf.berkeley.edu/wiki/Bylaws_of_the_Open_Computing_Facility were potentially ambiguous or in conflict with constitutional requirements. Inadequate record-keeping also means it is currently unclear exactly which parts of the bylaws were approved when and by whom, which makes it difficult to add to or amend them legally. This measure is intended to clear up ambiguities in wording, and establish firmly who may amend the bylaws.